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单词 overpowering
释义 Word family  noun power superpower powerlessness empowerment adjective powerful ≠ powerless overpowering power powered verb power empower overpower adverb powerfully ≠ powerlessly overpoweringly  o·ver·pow·er·ing /ˌəʊvəˈpaʊərɪŋ◂ $ ˌoʊvərˈpaʊr-/ adjective  1  STRONG FEELING OR BELIEFSTRONG TASTE OR SMELLvery strong 很强的,强烈的 → intense an overpowering smell of rotten flesh 浓烈的腐肉气味 He felt an overpowering desire to slap her. 他恨不得打她一记耳光。2. STRONG PERSONsomeone who is overpowering has such a strong character that they make other people feel uncomfortable or afraid 〔人〕个性太强的;专横的 SYN overbearing —overpoweringly adverbExamples from the Corpusoverpowering• Her loneliness was overpowering.• The smell is human, raw, and overpowering.• They were in plain clothes and, in his opinion, drunk, arrogant and overpowering.• As it was, she was Désirée without that inimitable charm, that overpowering charisma.• How does a son live his own life in the shadow of an overpowering father who is also a worldwide star?• Prince's music makes me think of Des Esseintes's symphony of perfumes: exquisite, heady, overpowering, slightly nauseous.• An overpowering smell of Freesia perfume hung around her like a cloud.• an overpowering smell• But Hector, with his booming laugh, was so large and overpowering that he made it worse.o·ver·pow·er·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  very Corpus strong




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