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单词 obligatory
释义  ob·lig·a·to·ry /əˈblɪɡətəri $ -tɔːri/ ●○○ adjective  1  formalMUST something that is obligatory must be done because of a law, rule etc 〔因法律、规定等〕必须履行的,有义务的;强制性的 SYN compulsory, mandatoryit is obligatory for somebody (to do something) It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes. 公司必须提供其工业流程的详细情况。► see thesaurus at necessary2  ALWAYS/EVERY TIME[only before noun] used humorously to describe something that is always done or included in a particular situation 惯常的,习惯上的〔幽默用法〕 She offered him the obligatory cup of tea. 她照例给他端来一杯茶。Examples from the Corpusobligatory• By the time I had done the obligatory 20-minute brushwork on Vaquero, my arms ached.• Evening dress is usual, but not obligatory.• Appreciation of this reality begins with the popular, indeed obligatory, definition of work.• It is now obligatory for all competitors to wear face protectors.• Military service is obligatory for all men between 18 and 27.• Voting is obligatory for Brazilians aged 18 to 69.• For their part the priests declared that without such obligatory gifts they would not be able to survive.• They sent out the obligatory memo both before and after the project.• In front is a lush, densely landscaped yard; in back is the obligatory pool.• Award-winning magician Oscar Mu oz also pulls the obligatory rabbit out of the hat, and even produces a bird or two.• The truth is that obligatory recycling protects markets as well as the environment.• The obligatory standing ovation when he first entered the game against the Golden State Warriors lasted less than a minute.From Longman Business Dictionaryobligatoryo‧blig‧a‧to‧ry /əˈblɪgətəri-tɔːri/ adjective formalLAW something that is obligatory must be done because of a law, rule etcSYN COMPULSORY, MANDATORYThe Housing and Town Planning Act made it obligatory for local authorities to prepare surveys of their housing needs.ob·lig·a·to·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  because that done must obligatory Corpus something of is Business be




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