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单词 nuzzle
释义  nuz·zle /ˈnʌzəl/ (also nuzzle up) verb [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]  HBAPRESSto gently rub or press your nose or head against someone to show you like them 〔为表示喜爱〕用鼻子触碰;用头挨擦;把头紧挨在 Evan leaned forward and began nuzzling her shoulder. 埃文靠过去蹭她的肩膀。nuzzle against The horses were nuzzling up against each other. 马用鼻子相互蹭来蹭去。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusnuzzle• Also mares can be ticklish round the udder and resent the foal nuzzling around that area.• The kitten nuzzled her chin.• He murmured small endearments as he kissed her neck and nuzzled her ears.• The female may then enter the nest, and lay her eggs while the male nuzzles her tail.• Girls did not come up to him and nuzzle him.• Nicola moved her lips along Richard's neck and nuzzled his ear lobe delicately.• Yes, she told him, bending to nuzzle his silky hair.• Wally dropped his head into my lap and began nuzzling my crotch.• I slept fitfully, dreaming that a rat was softly nuzzling my ear.Origin nuzzle (1400-1500) nosenuz·zle verbChineseSyllable   Corpus or rub to gently or your nose head press




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