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单词 nursing home
释义  Related topics: Hospitalˈnursing home noun [countable]  MHa place where people who are old and ill can live and be looked after 养老院;疗养院 SYN old people’s homeExamples from the Corpusnursing home• Trading places: Staff and residents at a nursing home near Middleton St George have raised more than £120 by trading places.• After a lengthy period of care at home, she was first admitted to hospital, then to a nursing home.• Only the building industry is happy as nursing home construction begins to equal prison construction.• Medicaid finances health care for poor families, many of the disabled and many elderly nursing home patients.• Mr Davies said the hotel would make an ideal nursing home with little need for alterations.ˈnursing home nounChineseSyllable  and ill people are where Corpus can old place who a




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