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单词 now
释义  now1 /naʊ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  NOWat the present time 现在,此刻,目前 at this time 现在 They now live in the city centre. 他们目前住在市中心。 There’s nothing I can do about this right now (=exactly now). 这事我现在也没有办法。by now Sonia should have been home by now. Do you think she’s OK? 索尼娅现在应该到家了。你觉得她没事吧?up to now/until now Until now, doctors have been able to do very little to treat this disease. 直到现在,医生对这种疾病几乎无能为力。 Please try to be more careful from now on (=starting from now). 从现在开始请尽量加倍小心。for now (=for a short time) 目前;暂时 Just leave your shoes on the back porch for now. 就暂时把你的鞋子留在后门廊吧。just now especially British English (=at the present time) 目前,此刻 There are a lot of bargains in the shops just now. 商店里现在有许多便宜货出售。2  NOWimmediately 马上,立刻 immediately 马上,立刻 The bell has rung – stop writing now. 铃声已经响了,立即停笔。 If we leave now, we’ll be there before dark. 如果我们现在出发,天黑之前就能赶到那里。3  NOWrealizing 明白 used when you know or understand something because of something you have just seen, just been told etc 这么一来 Having met the rest of the family, she now saw where he got his temper from. 见到他家里的其他人之后,她这才明白他的脾气是从哪儿来的。4  three weeks/two years etc now NOWused to say how long ago something started 至今三周/两年等 They’ve been going out together for a long time now. 他们至今已交往很长时间了。 It’s been over five years now since I started working here. 我在这儿工作至今已经五年多了。 It’s now a month since we bought the car and it’s broken down three times already. 这辆车我们买了才一个月,已经坏过三次了。5  (every) now and then/now and again SOMETIMESsometimes 时而,有时,不时 I hear from him every now and then. 我有时会收到他的来信。 SPOKEN PHRASES6  a) ATTENTIONused when getting someone’s attention before continuing what you are saying or changing the subject 好了〔用于在继续说话或改变话题前引起别人的注意〕 Now, let’s move on to the question of payment. 好了,我们接着来谈谈付款的问题吧。 b) used at the beginning of a sentence when asking for information 呃〔用于问句的句首〕 Now, what did you say your name was? 呃,你刚才说你叫什么名字? c) PAUSEused when pausing when you are thinking what to say next 好,嗯〔在说话过程中停下来思索时用〕 Now, let’s see, oh yes – they wanted to know what time you’ll be back on Friday. 嗯,让我想想,噢,对了——他们想知道你星期五什么时候回来。 d) SAY/STATEused to say that if the situation was different, something different would happen 反过来,不过〔用于假设〕 Now if I’d been in charge there’s no way I’d have let them use the van. 不过如果是我负责的话,我决不会让他们用那辆小货车的。 e) COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTERused to make someone calm, or comfort them when they are angry, upset etc 好了,好了〔用于安慰别人〕 Come on now, don’t cry. 好了,别哭了。 f) REMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBERused when telling or reminding someone to do something 这下〔用于告诉或提醒某人做某事〕 Now hurry up! I haven’t got all day. 好了,快点! 我可没有太多时间。 Don’t forget now, you have a dental appointment Thursday afternoon. 这下可别忘了,你约好了星期四下午要去看牙医。7  any day/minute etc now soonvery soon 很快,不久 The guests will arrive any minute now. 客人们很快就要到了。8  just now NOWPASTa moment ago 刚才 Was that you singing just now? 刚才是你在唱歌吗?9  now then TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingASK A QUESTIONused to get someone’s attention before telling them to do something or asking them a question 喂,听着〔用于引起别人的注意〕 Now then, what seems to be the problem here? 喂,这里出了什么问题? Now then, try to sit up and have some of this soup. 来,试着坐起来喝点这汤。10  well now SAY/STATEASK A QUESTIONused when giving an opinion or asking someone to tell you something 听着,说吧〔用于发表意见或要求别人告知某事〕 Well now, what’s all this I hear about you getting married? 说吧,我听说你要结婚了,这到底是怎么回事?11  now for something AFTERused when saying what you are going to do next 接下来,下面 Thanks, Norma, and now for a look at tomorrow’s weather. 谢谢,诺尔玛,接下来看看明天的天气情况。12  and now used when introducing the next activity, performer etc 接下来,下面〔用于介绍下一个活动或表演者等〕 And now, live from New York, it’s David Letterman! 下面,请看来自纽约的直播节目,大卫•莱特曼!13  now now a) CALMused to make someone calm or comfort them when they are angry, upset etc 好了,好了〔用于安慰别人〕 Now now, don’t worry. Everything will be okay. 好了,好了,别担心,一切都会好的。 b) especially British EnglishTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something used when telling someone not to behave badly 行了,得了 〔用于劝阻别人〕 Now now, leave your sister alone. 行了,放过你妹妹吧。14  not now NOWused to tell someone that you do not want to talk to them or do something now, because you are busy, tired etc 现在不行 ‘Tell me a story.’ ‘Not now, Daddy’s working.’ “给我讲个故事吧。”“现在不行,爸爸在工作呢。”15  now what? used when an attempt to do something has failed and you do not know what to do next 现在该怎么办? Kate tried each of the keys, but none of them fit. ‘Now what?’ she thought. 凯特试了每一把钥匙,但都不对。“现在该怎么办呢?”她想。16  now you’re talking used to tell someone that you agree very much with what they are saying 你说得对〔用于表示同意〕 ‘Feel like going out for a beer?’ ‘Now you’re talking.’ “想出去喝杯啤酒吗?”“好啊。”17  it’s now or never CHANCE/OPPORTUNITYused to say that if someone does not do something now, they will not get another chance to do it 机不可失,莫失良机 Quite suddenly, her mind was made up. It was now or never. 突然间她下定了决心。机不可失,时不再来。18  now’s the time (for somebody) to do something NOWused to say that someone should do something now, because it is the right time to do it 现在正是(某人)做某事的时候 Now’s the time to buy a car, while the interest rates are low. 趁现在利率很低,正是买车的时候。19  what is it now?/now what? ANNOYused when you are annoyed because someone keeps interrupting you or asking you things 又怎么了?〔表示因频频受到烦扰而生气〕 ‘Mom, can you come here for a minute?’ ‘What is it now?’ “妈妈,你过来一下好吗?”“又怎么啦?”20  now you tell me! ANNOYFUNNYused when you are annoyed or amused because someone has just told you something they should have told you before 为什么不早告诉我? ‘You didn’t need to make anything for dinner – Dad’s bringing home pizza.’ ‘Oh, now you tell me!’ “你其实不用做晚饭的,爸爸晚上带比萨饼回家。”“你为什么不早说呀!”21  now ... now ... now literary used to say that at one moment someone or something does one thing and immediately after, they do something else 时而…时而… The eagle glided through the sky, now rising, now falling. 那只鹰在空中滑翔,时而腾空,时而俯冲。 THESAURUSnow at this time 现在Where are you living now? 你现在住在哪里?The population is much larger now than it used to be. 现在人口数量比过去大幅增长。currently formal now – used when describing what a situation is like 目前The firm currently employs 113 people. 该公司目前有雇员113人。Currently, the starting salary is around £20,000. 目前,起薪约为两万英镑。at the moment now – used when talking about a short period of time, after which the situation is likely to change 这会儿,这阵子〔表示之后情况可能有变化〕I think she’s at lunch at the moment – can I ask her to call you back? 我想她这会儿在吃午饭——让她给你回电好吗?At the moment I’m working in a restaurant, but I’m hoping to go to college. 我目前在一家餐馆打工,但我还是希望上大学。at present/at the present time formal (also presently American English) now – used when you do not expect something that is true now to be permanent 目前,眼下Many areas are inaccessible at present due to heavy snow. 目前许多地方因大雪而无法前往。The official currency is the crown, presently about 30 to the dollar. 官方货币是克朗,目前对美元的汇率约为30。for the time being now – used when a situation is likely to change, especially because an arrangement is only temporary 暂时You can stay here for the time being, until you find a flat. 找到公寓之前你可以暂时住在这里。Examples from the Corpusnow• Julie has moved to a new school and she's much happier now.• Time's up - stop writing now.• We used to be good friends but I don't see very much of her now.• Item 9: is a rare brooch, I have never seen so complete a version until now.• This is how weightless I feel right now.• Call me when you get home from school - don't forget now!• The original owners could not sustain the necessary level of investment so the company has now been sold.• It's not raining now, but they said it might rain later.• The mule may now devote all its attention to thwarting the farmer.• "I just went to see Jim." "So, now do you see why I'm worried about him?"• The brewer must now extract these sugars by adding more hot water and so transfers the mash to a mash-tun.• He used to coach high school basketball but now he's a realtor.• Let's see, now, he would have been about seven then?• Now, how many people want cake?• If I'd been there, now, I would've made sure it got done right.• Don't cry, now, it'll be all right.• From now on, the U.S. government will rely on a new method to measure economic growth.• Students are to be in their seats by 8:00 from now on.• Seattle is now one of the computer industry's major centers.• Every manner of artistic expression, every experiment, however imaginative, however preposterous or outrageous, was now permissible.• Okay, now, watch me.• Right now we do not know the extent of that problem.• Come on, Dave, if we don't leave now we'll be late.• Okay, now, who's next?• Now who was Kathleen married to?right now• Conquering your weight problem is probably the most important thing in your life right now.• He's up there right now.• I wonder what the rest of the 300,000 Bay Area telecommuters are doing right now.• King is king of the fiction paperback bestseller list right now.• It seemed at turns to be happening right now and ages ago.• Call her right now , before she leaves.• She's in Amsterdam right now but she should be in Paris by tomorrow night.• I need a new car but right now I can't afford one.• Yet right now it is possible to raise the debt limit with a simple majority vote in both houses.now2 ●●● S1 W3 (also now that) conjunction  BECAUSEbecause of something or as a result of something 既然,由于 Now that we know each other a little better, we get along fine. 由于彼此之间有了进一步了解,我们相处得不错。 I’m going to relax now the school year is over. 学年结束了,因此我想放松一下。 Now that I think of it, I acted the same way when I was his age. 我记得我在他这个年纪也是这样的。Examples from the Corpusnow• My oldest son and I are getting along better now that he's getting ready to go to college.nthe NOWNOW, the /ˌen əʊ ˈdʌbəljuː $ -oʊ-/  n(the National Organization for Women) a large US organization started in 1966, which works for legal, economic, and social equality between women and men. Its first president was Betty Friedan, who also helped to start itOrigin now1 Old English nunow1 adverb →THESAURUS1 →SPOKEN PHRASES1now2 conjunctionNOW, theLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus time at this




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