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单词 notice
释义 Word family  noun notice adjective noticeable unnoticed verb notice adverb noticeably  ldoce_734_zno·tice1 /ˈnəʊtɪs $ ˈnoʊ-/ ●●● S1 W2 verb [intransitive, transitive not in progressive]  1  NOTICEif you notice something or someone, you realize that they exist, especially because you can see, hear, or feel them 看到;听到;感觉到;注意(到) He noticed a woman in a black dress sitting across from him. 他看到有位黑衣女子坐在他的对面。 I didn’t notice any smoke. 我没注意到有烟。 Have you noticed any change in him? 你注意到他有什么变化了吗?notice (that) I noticed that her hands were shaking. 我注意到她的双手在颤抖。 He never seems to notice when people take advantage of him. 他好像从来都感觉不到别人在利用他。notice who/what/how etc She hadn’t noticed before quite how grey his hair was. 她以前没怎么注意到他的头发都白了那么多了。notice somebody/something doing something Did you notice him leaving the party early? 你有没有注意到他提前离开了聚会?► see thesaurus at seen GRAMMAR: Using the progressiveNotice is not used in the progressive. You say: I notice you’re wearing glasses. ✗Don’t say: I’m noticing you’re wearing glasses.2  be noticed/get (somebody) noticed to get attention, or to make someone get attention 引起注意/使(某人)引人注目 These clothes will get you noticed and enhance your image. 这些衣服会让你引人注目,还能改善你的形象。3  somebody can’t help noticing something  (also somebody can’t help but notice something) if someone can’t help noticing something, they realize that it exists or is happening even though they are not deliberately trying to pay attention to it 某人不禁注意到某事物 I couldn’t help noticing the bruises on her arm. 我一眼就注意到她手臂上的瘀伤。 THESAURUSnotice to realize that something is there or that something is happening, because you can see, hear, or feel it 注意到I noticed that he was rather quiet during dinner. 我注意到他在晚饭时很沉默。Children don’t seem to notice the cold. 小孩子好像感觉不到冷。n‘Julie’s home.’ ‘Yes, I noticed her bicycle outside.’detect to notice something that is difficult to see, hear etc because it is very small, faint, or unclear. Detect is used about people and machines, and is more formal than notice 发现,察觉;探测〔尤指人和机器,比notice正式〕X-ray telescopes can now detect virtually every type of astronomical object. X射线望远镜现在可以探测到几乎任何一类天体。He thought he detected a flicker of interest in her eyes. 他觉得自己看出她眼中闪过一丝感兴趣的神情。spot to notice something, especially something that is difficult to see or that you see for a short time only. Spot is more informal than notice 发现,看出,注意到 〔不易看到或只瞄了一眼的东西;没有notice正式〕Can you spot the difference between these two pictures? 你能看出这两幅画的不同点吗?I’m glad you spotted the mistake before it was too late. 我很高兴你及时发现了错误。become aware/conscious to gradually begin to notice that something is happening or is true 逐渐意识到I became aware that Mum was getting a lot older. 我发现妈妈老了许多。Tessa became conscious of a feeling of guilt. 特莎感觉到有一种内疚感。can tell to be able to notice something because you can see, smell, hear it etc 〔通过看、闻、听等〕可以感觉到;看出I could tell that she had been drinking. 我觉得她喝过酒了。Can you tell I’ve lost weight? 你看得出我瘦了吗?something/somebody catches your eye used to say that you suddenly notice something or someone because they are interesting, attractive, or good at something 某物/某人一下子吸引了你的注意I saw this shirt in the shop window and it just caught my eye. 我在橱窗里看到这件衬衫,一下子就被吸引了。Clarke caught the eye of boss Bryan Robson when he scored for Newry last week. 克拉克上周为纽里城队进了球,一下子吸引了老板布赖恩·罗布森的注意。observe formal to notice something as a result of watching or studying it closely 观察到,注意到Psychologists observed that the mice became more aggressive in smaller cages. 心理学家发现,笼子越小,老鼠的攻击性越强。perceive formal to notice something, especially that something is happening, or is true, or needs to be done 察觉,发觉The company quickly perceived the need for change. 公司迅速觉察到需要进行改革。Doctors perceive that they do not have adequate time to spend with their patients. 医生发觉他们没有足够的时间和病人相处。witness to see something happen because you are there at the time 亲眼目睹,亲历〔某事的发生〕People have witnessed some great economic changes during the last ten years. 在过去十年里,人们见证了几次重大的经济变革。nmiss to not notice something because it is difficult to seeIt’s easy to miss the entrance – the sign is hidden behind a tree.5 FREQUENCY 使用频率→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusnotice• He did not seem to mind, or even to notice.• Dominic took a huge slice of cake, hoping no one would notice.• I said "Hello, " but she didn't notice.• You may notice a numb feeling in your fingers.• He also noticed a vacant table to their right and another to their left.• Do you notice anything different about my hair?• "Julie's home." "Yes, I noticed her bicycle outside."• She was worried that her boss would notice how long she had been gone.• Perhaps some one would notice how wild the pickpocket's eyes were growing; perhaps they might help him.• The other child whom I noticed in that Fourth Grade room was in an obvious way less fortunate.• I was about to leave when I noticed someone coming up the driveway.• Have you ever noticed that a lot of butterflies have the colour black on their wings?• I noticed that he was rather quiet during dinner.• I noticed that some of the upstart ash trees were already bearing seeds, and some were loaded with them.• As she was about to leave, she noticed that the kitchen window was open.• David had noticed the return of worrying symptoms in the previous few days.• It will be all right if we are very quiet, so that they do not notice us.• Did you notice what he was wearing?notice (that)• Interest and principal payments simply stopped coming one day without notice.• They walk by them without noticing, without knowing the quality of the work this community of learners produces.• Greater difficulties arise where the defendant comes by the information without notice of any restrictions on its disclosure.• But account-holders are limited to five withdrawals from the account each year without giving notice or paying a penalty.• The lifeguard didn't notice that a boy was having trouble in the pool.• As I looked around me I noticed that some of the regular worshippers appeared edgy too.• It is very important to be very quiet and very compliant so that they do not notice us and get angry.Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Artsnotice2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  attention 注意NOTICE [uncountable] when you notice or pay attention to someone or something 注意;理会 I waved but they took no notice. 我挥了挥手,可是他们没有注意到。not take any/much notice (of something) I did not take much notice of her suggestions. 我没太在意她的建议。 I hope you’ll take notice of what I’m going to tell you. 我希望你留心听我下面要对你讲的话。 This problem may have escaped your notice so far (=you may not have noticed it). 可能你还没有注意到这个问题。 This never came to my notice (=I never knew about this). 我从来没有注意到这一点。 There are several important matters that I’d like to bring to your notice (=that I would like you to know about). 有几件重要的事我想提醒你注意。2  on paper 在纸上 [countable]TCN a written or printed statement that gives information or a warning to people 布告;通告;启事 → sign The notice on the wall said ‘No smoking’. 墙上的告示写着“禁止吸烟”。 I’ll put up a notice about the meeting. 我会贴一张会议通告的。 obituary notices (=about people who have just died) in the newspaper 报纸上的讣告 →5 see picture at 见图 sign13  time to prepare 准备时间 [uncountable]WARN information or a warning about something that is going to happen 通知,预告 → warningwithout notice These rules are subject to change without notice. 这些规则如有更改,恕不另行通知。sufficient/reasonable notice They didn’t give me sufficient notice. 他们没给我充分的准备时间。advance/prior notice When you’re on the mailing list, you’ll receive advance notice of upcoming events. 如果你在我们的邮寄名单上,你会收到即将举办的活动的预告。ten days’/three months’ etc notice (=a warning ten days etc before) 提前十天/三个月等的通知 They closed the factory, giving the workers only a week’s notice. 他们把工厂关了,只提前一周通知工人。 Firefighters were prepared to rush out at a moment’s notice. 消防队员准备着随时出动。notice of his failure to give notice of his intention to alter the property 他未能通告变更产权的意图notice to do something I’ve been given notice to quit my flat (=I have been told that I must leave by a certain date). 我接到通知,限期搬出公寓。 Union members served strike notice (=warned that they would go on strike) late last night. 昨天深夜,工会会员正式发出罢工通知。4  until further notice NOWfrom now until another change is announced 直至另行通知 The office is closed until further notice. 本办事处停止营业,直至另行通知。5  hand in your notice/give (your) notice BECLEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATIONto tell your employer that you will be leaving your job soon 〔正式〕递交辞呈 SYN resign Jim gave notice on Thursday. 吉姆星期四递交了辞呈。6  at short notice British English, on short notice American English if you do something at short notice, you do not have very much time to prepare for it 在短时间内 The trip was planned on short notice. 这次旅行安排得很仓促。 Thanks for agreeing to see me at such short notice. 谢谢你在这么短时间内同意见我。 a cancellation at very short notice 临时取消7  book/play etc 书本/戏剧等 [countable usually plural]TCNA a statement of opinion, especially one written for a newspaper or magazine, about a new play, book, film etc 〔尤指报刊上对新剧、新书、新电影等的〕评价,评论,短评 SYN review The new play got mixed notices (=some good, some bad) in the newspapers. 那出新剧受到了各家报纸褒贬不一的评价。 → sit up (and take notice) at sit upn COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: when you notice or pay attention to someone or somethingverbstake notice (=pay attention to something)I began to take notice when the subject of money came up.take no notice/not take any notice (=ignore something or someone)The other passengers took no notice of what was happening.come to somebody’s notice (=be noticed by someone)This problem first came to our notice last summer.escape somebody’s notice (=not be noticed by someone)It had not escaped his notice that Phil seemed interested in Jean.bring something to somebody’s notice (=tell someone about something)It has been brought to my notice that employees are smoking in the restrooms.attract notice (=be noticed by other people)She didn’t want to attract notice, so she dressed very plainly.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: information or a warning about something that is going to happenverbsgive noticeTo withdraw money from this type of savings account, you must give the bank 30 days’ notice.serve notice formal (=warn someone about something)They have served notice that they intend to take legal action against the company.have/receive noticeIf I’d had more notice, I could have done a better job.need notice (also require notice formal)The company requires a month’s notice of any holiday time you would like to take.adjectivesadvance notice (also prior notice formal) (=given before an event)We had no advance notice of the attack.reasonable notice (=an amount that is considered to be fair to everyone)Did you receive reasonable notice of the court case?ten days’/three months’/five minutes’ etc noticeHis contract said he must give three months’ notice if he decides to leave the noticeWe received no notice of the changes.phrasesat short notice (=without much time to prepare)Thank you for coming to help at such short a moment’s notice (=very quickly)He’d be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.without noticeTrains may be cancelled without notice.until further notice (=from now until you are told something else)On the door was a sign: ‘Library closed until further notice’.notice to quit British English (=a warning that you must leave the house or flat where you live by a particular date)The new owner gave all the tenants notice to quit.Examples from the Corpusnotice• I'll post a notice about it on the board.• I'll put up a notice about the meeting on the bulletin board.• They completed the works required by the first notice on 7 September 1983.• Unfortunately, they allowed his notice to expire without further action and proceeded to recruit new employees.• Look, will you work out your month's notice?• Working conditions may not be up to much, and as a casual employee you can be fired at short notice.• Rehearsals were nearly complete and a replacement for her was out of the question at such short notice.• Finally this summer, the world may take notice.• The details of the trip are on that notice over there.• Now that the sale is over someone needs to take down the notices.• The board also approved a press release which summarised, but in some detail, the terms of the notice.• Prices are subject to change without notice.took no notice• He took no notice when she asked him to slow down.• As for Phaedra, her stepson Hippolytus took no notice of her; he never noticed women.• There were lots of other people in there, but I took no notice of them.• Jack took no notice of any external reaction.• Others in the room took no notice of the song.• Two window-cleaners threw her a cheerful obscenity, but she took no notice.• We took no notice of the servants.• When I first met her she had been hurling abuse at her daughters-in-law who took no notice whatsoever.obituary notices• Headstones, obituary notices and catering can push up bills sharply.sufficient/reasonable notice• He could therefore revive his right by giving reasonable notice.• The test of reasonable notice is objective.• This allows the artist to look at the manager's books, with reasonable notice.mixed notices• The two dances also received mixed notices at the Billy Rose.From Longman Business Dictionarynoticeno‧tice /ˈnəʊtəsˈnoʊ-/ noun1[uncountable] information or a warning about something that is going to happenThese rules are subject to change without notice (=no notice needs to be given).Either party may terminate the contract with three months’ notice.An employer who wants to dismiss an employee must give proper notice.2serve notice to officially warn someone that something is going to happenThe tenant has the right to serve notice on the landlord if they fail to carry out the rent review.3[countable] a formal document warning someone about something or asking them to do something → deficiency notice → renewal notice4[uncountable]HUMAN RESOURCES the period of time that someone works after they say that they are going to leave their job, or after they have been told to leave their jobThe employee need not work out the period of notice if he prefers not to.5give/hand in your notice to tell your employer that you are going to leave your job6[uncountable]PROPERTY (also notice to quit, notice of eviction) if a property owner gives someone notice to quit, or notice of eviction, they tell them to leave the property by a particular dateOnce a Notice to Quit has been served upon you, and has expired, your landlord has the legal right to order you to leave your accommodation.Origin notice2 (1400-1500) Old French Latin notitia “knowledge, familiarity”, from notus “known”no·tice1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1notice2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  someone, something that Corpus you they exist, if you realize or Business notice




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