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单词 nomination
释义  nom·i·na·tion /ˌnɒməˈneɪʃən $ ˌnɑː-/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]SUGGEST the act of officially suggesting someone or something for a position, duty, or prize, or the fact of being suggested for it 提名nomination for Who will get the Republican nomination for president? 谁会获得共和党总统候选人提名? All the committee’s nominations were approved. 该委员会的所有提名均获得批准。2  [countable]ASUGGEST the name of a book, film, actor etc that has been suggested to receive an honour or prize 〔书、电影、演员等获奖的〕提名 The nominations for the Academy Awards were announced Tuesday. 星期二宣布了奥斯卡金像奖的提名。3  [countable, uncountable]CHOOSE the act of giving someone a particular job, or the fact of being given that job 任命,指定nomination as O'Neil’s nomination as chief executive 任命奥尼尔为首席执行官n COLLOCATIONSverbsget/receive a nominationThe film got the nomination for Best a nominationDo you think she has enough votes to win the nomination?seek a nomination (=try to win it)He is seeking the Republican nomination in the Senate race.accept a nominationLieberman accepted the nomination as the vice-presidential candidate.withdraw a nomination (=say you no longer want it)After hostile questioning, he withdrew his nomination to be CIA director.make a nomination (=say that you think someone should be given a job or position)The president makes the nominations of judges for the Supreme Court.oppose a nomination (=say that you think someone should not be given a job or position)Senator Hatch said that he would oppose Lee's nomination to assistant attorney general.approve a nomination (=agree that someone should be given a job or position)The Senate unanimously approved her nomination.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + nominationthe presidential/Senate etc nomination (=a nomination for a particular job or position)He was unsuccessful in his campaign for the presidential nomination in 2008.the Republican/Democratic etc nomination (=the nomination to be the candidate for a political party in an election)Feinstein beat Van de Kamp for the Democratic mayoral Oscar/Emmy/Grammy etc nomination (=a nomination for a particular prize or award)The novel has received a National Book Award nomination.Examples from the Corpusnomination• Babyface, despite having fielded a record-tying 12 nominations, netted only a few of the tiny gramophones.• River Phoenix continues to be a miracle, having earned his Oscar nomination in Running on Empty.• A candidate needs 996 delegates to win the Republican presidential nomination.• But criticism of the Stack nomination is not the same as accusing Clinton of being soft on crime.• Indeed, the Bush network is looming large in the race for the nomination.• They then ratify the nomination of a candidate who already has won the nomination in the primaries.nomination for• Who will get the Republican nomination for president?• The nominations for the Academy Awards were announced Tuesday.From Longman Business Dictionarynominationnom‧i‧na‧tion /ˌnɒməˈneɪʃənˌnɑː-/ noun [countable, uncountable]1the act of officially suggesting someone for a job, position, or prize, or the fact of being suggested for itAll the committee’s nominations were approved.2the act of choosing someone for a particular job, or the fact of being chosennomination asO'Neil’s nomination as chief executivenom·i·na·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of someone officially the Corpus suggesting Business act




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