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单词 nil
释义  Related topics: Sportnil /nɪl/ noun [uncountable]  1  NONE/NOTHINGnothing 无;零 SYN zero The new machine reduced labour costs to almost nil. 新机器把劳动成本几乎降到零。2  DSNONE/NOTHING British English the number zero, used in sports results 〔体育比赛比分中的〕零 Our team won by two goals to nil. 我队以二比零获胜。Examples from the Corpusnil• Commitment to this issue is absolutely nil.• In the second, where worker turnover is almost nil, down time amounts to three percent.• At the end of the first half it's Spurs two, Arsenal nil.• Note under this option the labour cost will be nil because labour is currently available but idle.• Trust between the two sides is, of course, nil.• Last night they drew nil, nil at Nottingham Forest.• The film is self-developing and the waiting time is nil.• They take a three nil lead to Swansea for the second leg of their first round tie.• If Morrison did test positive, however, the chances of an error apparently are next to nil.From Longman Business Dictionarynilnil /nɪl/ noun [uncountable] nothingThe new machine reduced labour costs to almost nil.Origin nil (1800-1900) Latin nihil “nothing”nil nounChinese   Business Corpus nothing




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