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单词 Norseman
释义  Related topics: Nationality & raceNorse·man /ˈnɔːsmən $ ˈnɔːrs-/ noun (plural Norsemen /-mən/) [countable] literary  SANa Viking 古代斯堪的纳维亚人,北欧海盗,维京人Examples from the CorpusNorseman• Odd-Knut had a Viking shock of blond hair, but little other resemblance to the Hollywood Norseman.• Paramount in these operations was the Noorduyn Norseman.• Before the Norseman, Red Lake was an isolated mining community.• A corner pub, the Norseman, had been packed with arty young people on the Saturday night.• Floats were fitted to the Norseman on June 25 with the aircraft taxi-ing across the bay on June 28.Norse·man nounChineseSyllable  a Viking Corpus




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