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单词 newspaper
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Household, Companiesnews·pa·per /ˈnjuːsˌpeɪpə $ ˈnuːzˌpeɪpər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [countable]TCN a set of large folded sheets of printed paper containing news, articles, pictures, advertisements etc which is sold daily or weekly 报(纸) SYN paper She had read about it in the newspaper. 关于这件事她已经在报纸上看到了。 a series of newspaper articles about life in Cuba 刊登在报纸上的一系列关于古巴生活的文章n RegisterIn everyday English, people often say paper rather than newspaper:I saw an ad in the paper.2  [uncountable]TCNDH sheets of paper from old newspapers (旧)报纸 Wrap the plates in newspaper to stop them from breaking. 用旧报纸把盘子包起来,免得打碎。 Bella laid the flowers out carefully on a sheet of newspaper. 贝拉小心地把花摊开放在一张报纸上。3  [countable]BBCTCN a company that produces a newspaper 报社 He works for a local newspaper. 他在本地的一家报社工作。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with newspaper• You read something in a newspaper: She saw an ad in the newspaper. ✗Don’t say: on the newspaper• You often talk about the newspaper: I read something about it in the newspaper. 在报纸上看到某事 ✗Don’t say: in newspaper COLLOCATIONSverbsread a newspaper 读报纸Which newspaper do you read? 你看什么报纸?get a newspaper (=buy one regularly) 〔经常〕买报纸We don’t get a newspaper; we tend to watch the news on TV. 我们不买报纸,一般都看电视新闻。see/read something in the newspaper 在报纸上看到某事I saw in the newspaper that he had died. 我在报纸上看到他死了。appear in a newspaper 出现在报纸上,登上报纸Her photo appeared in all the newspapers. 她的照片登上了所有的报纸。a newspaper reports something (=has an article on something) 报纸上报道了某事The newspapers reported that the police were treating the death as a suicide. 报纸上报道说,警方把这起死亡事件作为自杀处理。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + newspapera national newspaper 全国性报纸The story was in all the national newspapers. 这事上了所有的全国性报纸。a local newspaper 地方性报纸The store advertises in the local newspaper. 这家商店在当地的报纸上做了广告。a daily/weekly/Sunday newspaper (=one that is published every day/week/Sunday) 日报/周报/星期日报纸nDo you get a daily newspaper?a tabloid newspaper (=a small-sized newspaper, especially one with not much serious news) 通俗小报nTheir wedding made the headlines in all the tabloid newspapers.a quality newspaper British English (=a newspaper with a lot of serious news and good writing) 严肃报纸nThe story has not been given as much coverage in the quality newspapers.newspaper + NOUNa newspaper article/report/story 报纸上的文章/报道I read quite an interesting newspaper report on the war. 我在报纸上看到一则关于这场战争的很有趣的报道。a newspaper headline 报纸的大字标题‘Wine is good for you’ announced a recent newspaper headline. 最近有报纸的大标题称:“葡萄酒有利健康。”a newspaper column (=a regular article in a newspaper written by a particular journalist) 报纸专栏She writes a regular newspaper column about gardening. 她在写一个园艺方面的定期专栏。a newspaper clipping/cutting (=a story cut out of a newspaper) 剪报nI found some old newspaper cuttings of the band's first concert in Liverpool.a newspaper reporter 报社记者nShe was fed up with being followed by newspaper reporters.a newspaper editor 报纸编辑nNewspaper editors have a lot of power.a newspaper proprietor British English (=owner) 报社老板nUltimately, it’s the newspaper proprietor who decides what goes into the newspaper. THESAURUSnewspaper 报纸The New York Times is a popular daily newspaper. 《纽约时报》是一份畅销的日报。paper a newspaper. Paper is more common than newspaper in everyday English 报纸〔在日常英语中比newspaper常用〕There was an interesting article in the local paper today. 今天本地报纸上登了一篇有趣的文章。the Sunday papers 星期日报纸the press newspapers and news magazines in general, and the people who write for them 新闻界the freedom of the press 新闻自由nThe press are always interested in stories about the royal family.the media newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the Internet, considered as a group that provides news and information 媒体This issue has received a lot of attention in the media. 这一问题获得媒体的大量关注。nHer public image was shaped by the media.tabloid a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of photographs, short stories, and not much serious news 通俗小报The tabloids are full of stories about her and her boyfriend. 通俗小报上全是有关她和她男友的报道。broadsheet British English a serious newspaper printed on large sheets of paper, with news about politics, finance, and foreign affairs 〔内容严肃的〕宽幅报纸the quality broadsheets 严肃的大报nthe nationals the newspapers that give news about the whole country where they are printed, in contrast to local newspapersThe results of the nationwide survey became headlines in the nationals.nthe dailies the daily newspapersThe dailies reported the story.nparts of a newspaperarticle a piece of writing in a newspaper about a particular subjectan article on the education reformsreport a piece of writing in a newspaper about an eventnewspaper reports on the warstory a report in a newspaper about an event, especially one that is not very serious or reliableYou can’t always believe what you read in newspaper stories.a headline the title of an important newspaper article, printed in large letters above the article. The headlines are the titles of the most important stories on the front pageThe singer’s drug problem has been constantly in the headlines.front page the page on the front of a newspaper which has the most important news storiesThe story was all over the front page.section/pages the pages in a newspaper dealing with a particular area of news such as sports, business, or entertainmentthe financial pages of The Timesthe arts sectioneditorial the page of a newspaper on which the editor of a newspaper and other people express their opinions about the news, rather than just giving factsan editorial on the vaccination programmecolumn an article on a particular subject or by a particular writer that appears regularlyhis weekly column on gardeningExamples from the Corpusnewspaper• It had been cut from a newspaper.• That would be a matter of opinion; he had a newspaper which he kept looking at, and shaking out.• In addition to all these magazines and newspapers there are trade newsletters.• The virtual explosion of community newspapers and networking newsletters is another example of alternatives to mainstream media.• Jack probably read Gatsby for the same reason he read every newspaper story and book and saw every movie about gangland.• a local newspaper• Despite the evidence to the contrary, most of Monday morning's newspapers subscribed to the Army's version.• Hearst owned several newspapers.• For the newspaper industry, the news has not been good for years.sheet of newspaper• An overnight case had been placed carefully on a sheet of newspaper.• The samples were lightly pressed down using a sheet of newspaper.• Do not try to draw up an open fire with a sheet of newspaper.• That left one sheet of newspaper, which he folded around the dead flower.• Musical Islands Place sheets of newspaper around the room on the floor.• Give each student three sheets of newspaper.• Another tore sheets of newspaper into smaller and smaller pieces, carefully guarding her·pa·per noun →n GRAMMAR1 →n REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a printed folded of large sheets set Corpus of




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