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单词 neutralize
释义 Word family  noun neutral neutrality neutralization adjective neutral verb neutralize adverb neutrally  Related topics: Chemistry, Governmentneu·tral·ize (also neutralise British English) /ˈnjuːtrəlaɪz $ ˈnuː-/ AWL verb [transitive]  1  EFFECTIVE#to prevent something from having any effect 使失效;抵消 SYN balance out Rising prices neutralize increased wages. 不断上涨的物价会抵消工资的增长。2  technicalHC to make a substance chemically neutral (使)中和 a medicine that neutralizes the acid in the stomach 能中和胃酸的药3. PGPGCto make an area neutral in a war 〔在战争期间〕使中立4. to destroy something that is dangerous to you during a war 〔在战争期间〕消灭,摧毁 —neutralization /ˌnjuːtrəlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ ˌnuːtrələ-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusneutralize• In other words, the aim is to neutralize a troublesome feeling rather than to replace it with a positive feeling.• In effect the researcher uses the null form in order to neutralize his own bias regarding outcome.• The effectiveness of this measure has now been neutralized, in order to boost private welfare.• Congress can try to neutralize new legislation by modifying it or delaying it.• Two hot areas: products for dieters and antioxidants, which are thought to neutralize so-called free radicals that can damage cells.• The priority was to neutralize the borderlands against the Whites and foreign intervention, to ensure the military security of the Republic.• Recent events have done much to neutralize the influence of the right-wing.• He neutralized the obscenity by touching the tip of one finger.• The Oilers managed to neutralize the other team's defenses.• In flight, you immediately pushed the collective fully down to neutralize the pitch angle.• Government forces neutralized the rebels.• This fertilizer neutralizes the salts in the soil.• Even good ideas are frequently contained in banal packages that neutralize the virtues they possess.neu·tral·ize verbChineseSyllable  from prevent any effect something Corpus to having




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