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单词 neutral
释义 Word family  noun neutral neutrality neutralization adjective neutral verb neutralize adverb neutrally  Related topics: Groupings, Government, Linguistics, Colours, Electricalneu·tral1 /ˈnjuːtrəl $ ˈnuː-/ ●●○ AWL adjective  1  in an argument etc 在争吵中等SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN not supporting any of the people or groups involved in an argument or disagreement 中立的,不偏不倚的 → partisan I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing. 他们争论起来的时候我总是努力保持中立。 Clive decided to adopt a neutral position. 克莱夫决定采取中立立场。 The British government acted as a neutral observer during the talks. 英国政府在会谈中扮演了中立观察员的角色。2  in a war 在战争中PPGPG a country that is neutral does not support any of the countries involved in a war 〔国家在战时〕中立的 During World War II, Sweden was neutral. 在第二次世界大战期间,瑞典是中立国。neutral territory/waters (=land or sea that is not controlled by any of the countries involved in a war) 中立领土/水域3  on neutral ground/territory FAIRin a place that is not connected with either of the people, groups, or countries that are involved in a discussion, argument, war, or competition 在中立地区;在第三方领土 The talks will be held on neutral ground. 会谈将在第三方领土上举行。4  language 语言SLORDINARY language, words etc that are neutral are deliberately chosen to avoid expressing any strong opinion or feeling 中性的;不带感情色彩的 the neutral language of an official news report 官方新闻报道采用的中性语言5  voice/expression 声音/表情 if someone says something in a neutral voice, or if they have a neutral expression on their face, they do not show how they are feeling 不带感情色彩的 Bragg said in a neutral voice, ‘The investigation has been closed down.’ 布拉格不带感情地说:“调查结束了。”6  colour 色彩CCCOLOUR/COLOR a neutral colour is a colour such as grey, light brown, or cream 淡雅的,不鲜艳的,素净的〔如灰色、浅棕色或淡黄色〕 Neutral tones give the room a feeling of space. 素净的色调让房间显得宽敞。7. wire 电线TEE a neutral wire, for example in a plug, has no electrical charge1(7) 不带电的8  chemical 化学品 a neutral substance is neither acid nor alkaline 中性的 The plant prefers a neutral or slightly acidic soil. 这种植物适宜于中性或略带酸性的土壤。 a neutral pH of 7.0 中性的pH 值7.0 —neutrally adverbExamples from the Corpusneutral• How can anything which can elicit two such opposing but adamant replies be neutral?• Civil servants are supposed to be politically neutral.• Some patients had voiced initial apprehension about their continuing to receive medication, but most were thought to be neutral about fundholding.• The role chosen by the teacher here is as neutral as possible, to avoid confrontation, effectively a messenger.• As an outside observer drawn into the Statementing process by the professionals involved, I had a neutral but not disinterested role.• Switzerland remained neutral during World War II.• a dress in a neutral fabric• The army, on the other hand, has remained largely neutral in the unprecedented fight to force democratic reform from Milosevic.• Gladioli prefer a neutral or slightly acidic soil.• But they are also a zingy accent in a neutral room.• The game will be held at a neutral site.• Many therapists took a neutral stance on the issue rather than trying to save marriages.• What if language is not a neutral system capable of objective description and analysis?• Rather than describing Ross as her boyfriend, Claire preferred the neutral term "friend."• To avoid ugly scenes, choose neutral topics for discussion.neutral territory/waters• In this war, there's no neutral territory.• That was why he had tried to reach Cantor by phone and arrange a meeting in some neutral territory.• We chatted noncommittally in the kitchen, neutral territory.• Beginning in the more neutral territory, I ask what leads her to seek incarceration for a kid.Related topics: Motor vehicles, Mechanical, Governmentneutral2 noun  1  [uncountable]TTCTEM the position of the gears of a car or machine when no power is being sent from the engine to the wheels or other moving parts 〔汽车或机器的〕空挡位置in/into neutral When you start the engine, make sure the car’s in neutral. 发动引擎时,一定要让汽车处于空挡。 Put the car into neutral. 将汽车排挡置于空挡位。2. [countable]PGPGC a country, person, or group that is not involved in an argument or disagreement 中立国;中立者3. [countable usually plural] a neutral colour 素净色;中和色Examples from the Corpusneutral• In 1917, U.S. neutrality ended when two of their ships were torpedoed.• These reds function as a neutral, and manufacturers paired them with just about everything.• Bamboo pieces also suit rooms painted white and in shades of green, browns and neutrals.• Vera dresses mostly in neutrals.• However, the U-pattern shift without clearly marked neutrals does make the work easier.• The neutrals were delighted with the result in Paris: Balestre 29 votes, Mosley neutral• Bogart and Bergman had loved one another years before, and in neutral Casablanca discover that their passion is unabated.• From the freedom of play it seems to have in relation to my belly it must be in neutral.• But the bad news is the engine will not start or run when it's down, even in neutral.• This group were aware of the injury and described it in neutral terms of sensation.• That camp still advocated casting to hold joints in neutral positions.• He watches her as she shifts into neutral, pulls on the emergency brake.• You can stay a long time in neutral, ticking over - provided nothing happens.Origin neutral1 (1400-1500) Early French, from Latin neutralis, from neuter; → NEUTER1neu·tral1 adjectiveneutral2 nounChineseSyllable  supporting not of the Corpus people any




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