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单词 neoclassical
释义  Related topics: Artsne·o·clas·sic·al /ˌniːəʊˈklæsɪkəl◂ $ ˌniːoʊ-/ adjective  Aneoclassical art or architecture copies the style of ancient Greece or Rome 新古典主义的 a palace built in a neoclassical style 新古典主义风格的宫殿Examples from the Corpusneoclassical• Rather it is neoclassical, and resembles a lyceum more than a church.• But Caster and several other longtime tenants begged that the building be spared because of its unusual neoclassical design and rare charm.• Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.• This great neoclassical house had been reprieved from imminent demolition in 1972 by ministers and taken into guardianship two years later.• It was on this work that Josiah Wedgwood based his neoclassical pottery designs.• If one opts to play by neoclassical rules, as Lipsey in particular had, one should read the neoclassical rule book first.• This is a similar conclusion to that of the neoclassical synthesis except that there is no scope for the Keynes effect to operate.• No need to ponder stuff like neoclassical, traditional, deconstructionist or what the dancers should wear on their·o·clas·sic·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  Greece of the neoclassical style or Corpus or art architecture copies ancient




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