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单词 necessary
释义 Word family  noun necessity the necessaries the necessary adjective necessary ≠ unnecessary verb necessitate adverb necessarily ≠ unnecessarily  ne·ces·sa·ry1 /ˈnesəsəri $ -seri/ ●●● S2 W1 adjective  1  NEEDsomething that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do 必要的,必需的,必不可少的 → essential The booklet provides all the necessary information about the college. 这本小册子提供了关于那所学院的所有必需信息。 No further changes were considered necessary. 没有必要作出进一步的改变。absolutely/really necessary The police are advising motorists to travel only if their journey is absolutely necessary. 警方建议驾驶员如非万不得已不要驾车出行。it is necessary (for somebody) to do something It’s not necessary to wear a tie. 不一定要打领带。 The doctor says it may be necessary for me to have an operation. 医生说我可能需要做手术。make it necessary (for somebody) to do something Falling profits made it necessary to restructure the business. 利润下滑使得公司必须重组。necessary for (doing) something A good diet is necessary for maintaining a healthy body. 想保持身体健康,合理饮食必不可少。if/when/where necessary I’ll stay up all night, if necessary, to get it finished. 如有必要,我会熬个通宵把这事做完。 RegisterIn everyday English, instead of saying it is necessary for somebody to do something, people usually say that someone has to do something: 在日常英语中,人们一般不说it is necessary for sb to do sth,而是说someone has to do sth The doctor says it might be necessary for me to have an operation. → The doctor says I might have to have an operation. 医生说我可能必须得做手术 。2  necessary connection/consequence etc MUSTa connection, result etc that must exist and cannot be avoided 必然的联系/结果等 The closure of the factory was a necessary consequence of increased competition from abroad. 工厂倒闭是来自国外的竞争加剧的必然结果。3  a necessary evil MUSTsomething bad or unpleasant that you have to accept in order to achieve what you want 〔为实现目的不得不接受的〕不得已的事,难免的坏事 Mr Hurst regarded work as a necessary evil. 赫斯特先生把工作看成是迫不得已的事情。 THESAURUSnecessary used to describe something that you need to have or do 必需的,必要的Make sure you bring the necessary documents with you. 一定要带好所需的文件。It may be necessary for you to have a small operation. 你可能需要做个小手术。essential very important and necessary, especially in order to be healthy, successful etc 〔尤为健康或取得成功〕非常必要的,必不可少的Vitamins are essential for healthy growth. 维生素对于健康成长必不可少。The tourist industry is an essential part of the Spanish economy. 旅游业是西班牙的经济支柱。vital extremely important and necessary, especially in order to avoid serious problems 〔尤为避免重大问题〕必不可少的,非常重要的A vital piece of equipment on the spacecraft had stopped operating. 航天器上的一个重要设备停止了运转。It is vital that the aid is sent immediately. 必须马上派出救援。compulsory if something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law 〔根据法律或法规规定〕必须做的,强制性的Maths and Science are compulsory subjects. 数学和科学是必修课。All new staff undergo a compulsory training course. 所有新员工都必须参加一个培训课程。obligatory if something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule or law. Obligatory is more formal than compulsory 〔根据法律或法规规定〕必须做到的,义务的〔obligatory 比compulsory正式〕The use of seatbelts is obligatory. 系安全带是强制性的。Safety regulations have made it obligatory for all competitors to wear fist protectors. 安全条例规定所有参赛者都必须戴拳套。mandatory if something is mandatory, you must do it because it is the law. Mandatory is more formal than compulsory and sounds stronger 依法必须做的,强制性的〔mandatory比compulsory正式,语气也更加强烈〕School attendance is mandatory. 上课出勤是必须的。a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence 依法被终身监禁的犯人requisite /ˈrekwəzət/ formal [usually before noun] the requisite things are the ones that you need to have in order to do something 〔为了做某事〕需要的,必要的,必备的The other candidates lacked the requisite skills. 其他求职者缺少必要的技能。nthe requisite evidence needed for a successful prosecution Examples from the Corpusnecessary• She explained why change was necessary.• Add a second layer if necessary.• Jennie told Katharine to be aware of this and to correct any fault as necessary.• Computers are as necessary as textbooks in schools.• They also make any necessary criticisms and suggestions more easily acceptable when they are offered.• He produced the necessary documents and handed them to her.• Fats in our diet are necessary for both heat and energy.• The doctor says it may be necessary for me to have an operation.• This was clearly necessary for their analysis since it allowed them to aggregate data over different drivers.• Much doubling, therefore, is necessary in the tutti.• It will be necessary to close the pool while the repairs take place.• On his eighteenth birthday, his parents had believed it necessary to commit the act that would decisively save their only child.• But take another step back and it is no longer necessary to preserve the species.• If necessary, we will have to employ some outside people to finish the job.absolutely/really necessary• The approach to the tournament should be as low key as possible with changes being made only where absolutely necessary.• Use faxes and phones-only when absolutely necessary.• This is not absolutely necessary but it would stretch your imagination and further clarify the entire research process from beginning to end.• In truth, a guide wasn't really necessary for our party that good-weather day.• On the other hand, honesty is an absolutely necessary policy as a matter of principle and also credibility.• All of the changes have been absolutely necessary to keep Sparta alive.• It is not really necessary to locate the degree of premeditated dishonesty involved in the politics of policy formulation.necessary2 noun  1. necessaries [plural] things such as food or basic clothes that you need in order to live (生活)必需品2  do the necessary British English spokenNEED to do what is necessary 做必要的事 Leave it to me – I’ll do the necessary. 交给我吧,我会把该办的事都办好的。Origin necessary (1300-1400) Latin necessarius, from necesse “necessary”, from ne- “not” + cedere “to give up”ne·ces·sa·ry1 adjective →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1necessary2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  something you that necessary what is need is Corpus




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