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单词 navel
释义  Related topics: Humanna·vel /ˈneɪvəl/ noun [countable]  1. HBHthe small hollow or raised place in the middle of your stomach 肚脐,脐 SYN belly button, tummy button2. gaze at/contemplate your navel THINK ABOUTto spend too much time thinking about your own problems – used humorously 花过多时间考虑自己的问题〔幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpusnavel• From her navel to the base of her spine she had been ripped apart.• She had an emerald in her navel.• I traveled down the single line of dark hair below his navel into his belt.• Notice the way the shirt hits my navel just right?• Having spent so long staring into the national navel we can raise our heads.• Rest palm of one hand over navel.• With the tips of two fingers positioned slightly above the baby's navel, press gently but firmly upwards.Origin navel Old English nafelana·vel nounChineseSyllable  hollow in the raised Corpus place small or




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