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单词 name-calling
释义  ˈname-ˌcalling noun [uncountable]  INSULTwhen people use unpleasant words to describe someone in order to insult or upset them 辱骂 playground teasing including name-calling 操场上的对骂嬉闹Examples from the Corpusname-calling• Would they be as interesting as infighting and name-calling?• Whistling and stomping is fine, but name-calling makes it a little more special.• Heated discussion ensued, followed, apparently, by name-calling.• When the soldiers blocked university students from entering campuses the next morning, name-calling and fights broke out.• There will be no profanity or name-calling in this classroom.• They have refined the art of finger-pointing, name-calling and personal blame.• And voters say all the name-calling and finger-pointing has turned them off.• Neither had to face the name-calling at school, defend the indefensible they knew lay behind him them at home.• It has nothing to do with name-calling.ˈname-ˌcalling nounChineseSyllable  words describe to someone when use unpleasant people Corpus




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