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单词 mystify
释义  mys·ti·fy /ˈmɪstɪfaɪ/ verb (mystified, mystifying, mystifies) [transitive]  SOLVE/FIND THE ANSWERif something mystifies you, it is so strange or confusing that you cannot understand or explain it 使困惑不解,使迷惑;难住 SYN baffle Her disappearance has mystified her friends and neighbors. 她的失踪使她的朋友和邻居迷惑不解。 —mystifying adjective Snake charming is always fascinating and at times mystifying. 耍蛇总是那么有趣,有时还很神秘。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmystify• They shook their heads, mystified.• She was mystified by my apparent sang-froid.• Detective Oakley was mystified. He had never seen such a strange set of evidence in the whole of his career.• Her disappearance has mystified her friends and neighbors.• Whether to mystify me once more or because there was no more to be said to a stranger, I couldn't tell.• Why you want to leave such a good job mystifies me.Origin mystify (1800-1900) French mystifier, from mystère; → MYSTERY PLAYmys·ti·fy verbChineseSyllable  it Corpus so strange mystifies or if something confusing you, is




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