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单词 muscle
释义  Related topics: Biology, Humanmus·cle1 /ˈmʌsəl/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]HB one of the pieces of flesh inside your body that you use in order to move, and that connect your bones together 肌肉 Relax your stomach muscles, then stretch again. 放松腹部肌肉,然后再绷紧。 Regular exercise will help to strengthen your muscles. 经常锻炼有助于强健肌肉。 Rooney has pulled a muscle in his thigh and won’t play tomorrow. 鲁尼大腿肌肉拉伤,明天不能参赛了。 →4  See picture of 见图 HUMAN 12  not move a muscle NOT MOVINGto stay completely still 一动不动 The soldier stood without moving a muscle. 那士兵纹丝不动地站着。3  [uncountable]POWER power or influence 实力;影响力military/economic/political etc muscle The unions have a lot of political muscle. 工会有很大的政治影响力。 The agreement will give the UN some muscle to enforce human rights. 这个协定将赋予联合国一定的权限推进人权保障工作。4  [uncountable]STRONG PERSONWORK HARD physical strength and power 体力;力气 It took muscle to work in an old-fashioned kitchen. 在老式厨房里干活很费力。put some muscle into it (=used to tell someone to work harder) 再加把劲,再努力一下 → flex your muscles at flex1(2)n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesbig musclesHe's developed big arm muscles.hard muscles (=strong, firm muscles)the hard muscles of his back and shouldersarm/leg/stomach etc musclesHer leg muscles ached after the run.rippling muscles (=muscles that move in a strong attractive way)The sight of his rippling muscles sends women wild.verbsuse your musclesBend your knees and use your thigh muscles when picking up heavy objects.strengthen/build up your muscles (=make them stronger)If you strengthen the muscles in your back you are less likely to have back problems.pull/strain a muscle (=injure it)He pulled a muscle in his calf.stretch your musclesIt’s a good idea to stretch your muscles after weight lifting.flex your muscles (=bend your arm muscles so that people can see how strong you are)He was lifting weights and flexing his muscles.relax your muscles (=make them feel less tight)A hot bath will help relax sore muscles.tense/tighten your muscles (=make them more tight)He tensed his stomach muscles, ready for the blow.your muscles contract (=tighten so that you can move a part of your body)These nerves tell the muscles when to contract.your muscles ache (=hurt after being exercised too much)I ran until my muscles ached.muscle + NOUNmuscle strength/powerThis exercise will help increase muscle strength.muscle tone (=the firmness of your muscles)Swimming is good exercise for improving muscle tone.a muscle spasm (=when your muscles tighten suddenly)The drug helps control painful muscle spasms.muscle tissue (=the substance that muscles are made from)If you lose weight too quickly you will lose muscle tissue as well as fat.Examples from the Corpusmuscle• The group strengthened like a muscle.• The joint and muscle were all right.• Panetta used his muscle to keep the budget agreement intact.• U.S. military muscle• They had to cut out seven inches of muscle in my legs.• There may also be numbness or muscle weakness occurring in a segmental pattern.• The Republicans do not have the political muscle to prevent the treaty being rejected by Congress.• The government has for years been trying to destroy the muscle of the trade unions.• Hanson Trust has the muscle to buy up some of America's biggest companies.• His body tightened, the muscles drawing in on themselves.• This exercise works the muscles of your leg.• Now, leg stretched and r-o-l-l back those muscles.• The trapezius muscle group is kite-shaped and basically pulls the head and the shoulders back.• Low vitamin D also is associated with muscle weakness, which could contribute to a fall.stomach muscles• Using his arms and stomach muscles, trying to keep his chest still, he sat.• A day later, the tissue was inserted between stomach muscles, just above the bellybutton, where blood supply is plentiful.• Byrd had his arm broken, Noville had his stomach muscles torn.• For instance, stomach muscles propel the motion on forward and backward rolls.• My stomach muscles were up to it, but I didn't want to lose any more teeth.• Northern's biggest setback came with the loss of midfield maestro Deryck Fox with pulled stomach muscles.• The children are given practice in tensing and relaxing major muscle groups of their body, starting with the stomach muscles.military/economic/political etc muscle• He began to flex his political muscles.• But they will just as surely have died because they were too weak in political muscle to be able to fight back.• At least in Baja California, real estate should remain a prime factor in building new economic muscle.• And it says something about the amount of political muscle the Chamber has, too.• Second, when they are raised, they are resolved according to the simple criterion of political muscle power.• But by this time the North had begun to flex its superior economic muscles.• Big operators have the political muscle to win development permits.took muscle• Fire took muscle, bone, and brains.muscle2 verb  1 muscle your way into/through etc something to use your strength to go somewhere 使劲挤出一条路 Joe and Tony muscled their way through the crowd. 乔和托尼使劲挤过人群。2 muscle in phrasal verb INTERFEREto use your power to get involved in or take control of something that someone else was doing, especially in business – used to show disapproval 强行控制[干预]〔含贬义〕 on Banks are muscling in on the insurance business. 银行也在插手保险业务。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmuscle• Yield grade is based on the degree of fatness and the degree of muscling.• And for Gingrich to try to muscle anyone would backfire.• At the same time, Rick Zombo was muscling Rob Niedermayer into the crease.Origin muscle1 (1300-1400) French Latin musculus “little mouse, muscle, mussel”, from mus “mouse”; because a muscle moving looks like a mouse under the skinmus·cle1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1muscle2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus inside your of flesh body of pieces the one




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