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单词 moving
释义 Word family  noun move movement removal remover mover adjective movable unmoved moving verb move remove adverb movingly  mov·ing /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective  1  STRONG FEELING OR BELIEFmaking you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy 动人的,感人的deeply/very/profoundly moving Bayman’s book about his illness is deeply moving. 巴伊曼写他所患疾病的那本书非常感人。moving account/story etc a moving account of his childhood in Ireland 有关他在爱尔兰童年生活的感人描写 Attending the memorial service was a moving experience. 参加这次追悼仪式是一次十分感人的经历。2  [only before noun]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION changing from one position to another 活动的,移动的 a moving stage 活动舞台fast/slow moving etc Be careful when changing lanes in fast-moving traffic. 车辆行驶速度快的时候变道要小心。 an archer learning to hit a moving target 练习射击活动靶的射箭运动员3  a moving target something that is changing continuously, so that it is very difficult to criticize it or compete against it 活动靶子〔指某事物由于不断变化而让人无从批评或难以竞争〕 The company is constantly improving the system, making it a moving target. 公司不断改进这一系统,让竞争者难以企及。4  the moving spirit START something/MAKE something START formal someone who makes something start to happen 发起人,策动者 He was the moving spirit behind the founding of the union. 他是该工会的发起人。 —movingly adverb She spoke movingly about her father’s last days. 她动容地讲起她父亲最后的日子。Examples from the Corpusmoving• The occasion was deeply moving.• The book is a very moving account of life in the refugee camps of Thailand.• It is then the truck drivers push them out of the moving cab.• Each printer is built as the completed boards then join other components via assembly stations on the ever moving conveyer belt.• They can spot moving objects better than still ones.• All the moving parts of the engine must be kept well-oiled.• Soprano Teresa Stratas gave a moving performance.• His left foot was trapped beneath the moving snake.• a moving stage• Nobody hits a moving target and you can quote me.• After the final game there was a moving tribute to one of the players, who died tragically during the season.• The authorities believe the body was thrown from a moving vehicle.• The scene at the end of Act III is very moving, when Rafaella finds out that her husband has betrayed her.deeply/very/profoundly moving• But as a novel that attempts to fathom our recent times, it is always thought-provoking and ultimately deeply moving.• It was like the old days, and it was very moving.• The scene is nevertheless necessary and, if well sung and acted, very moving.• As you might imagine, this has been a profoundly moving and difficult week for all of us and our political family.• You are facing up to yourself in a very moving and powerful way - hello?• The portraits she paints are deeply moving and sympathetic.• And the visitor's interest is kept alive by the deeply moving beauty of novel forms.• It was a very moving experience, barriers were broken between the mums and we could talk from our moving etc• By blowing over the top of the paper, you made the air above the slow moving air strip move faster.• The rapidity with which El precipitado moves from scene to scene makes it a very fast moving drama.• Chris used scarves in her session and Margaret worked her class very hard towards a fast moving item with some quick footwork.• Against fast moving shock troops such as armoured cavalry this is also true.• It was a fast moving show that dealt largely in nostalgia.• They're a fast moving, trendy tracksuited, van-driving team.• The water is crystal clear and slow moving, usually neutral or a little·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  especially sadness emotions, you or strong making sympathy feel Corpus




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