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单词 moralist
释义 Word family  noun moral morals morality ≠ immorality moralist amorality adjective moral ≠ immoral amoral moralistic verb moralize adverb morally ≠ immorally  mor·al·ist /ˈmɒrəlɪst $ ˈmɔː-/ noun [countable]  1  GOOD/MORALsomeone who has very strong beliefs about what is right and wrong and how people should behave – used to show disapproval 道德家,卫道士〔含贬义〕 a narrow-minded moralist 心胸狭隘的卫道士2. GOOD/MORALa teacher of moral principles 德育家,德育工作者Examples from the Corpusmoralist• Morals play an important part in both novels and the reader notices that Jane Austen is actually a moralist.• Muscular Christians and middle-class moralists in a private capacity certainly boosted the cause or games.• To have moralists uncovered as hypocrites is not without precedent.• On the other hand, bridal pregnancy was widely tolerated despite the exhortations of the professional moralists.• But Anderson is no simple moralist.• The question that has to be asked is this: Who checks the moral credentials of the moralists?mor·al·ist nounChineseSyllable  has very someone Corpus strong beliefs who what about




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