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单词 moon
释义  Related topics: Astronomy, Shapes, patternsmoon1 /muːn/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  the moon/the Moon HAthe round object that you can see shining in the sky at night, and that moves around the Earth every 28 days 月亮,月球 the craters on the surface of the Moon 月球表面的环形山 The Americans landed on the Moon in 1969. 美国人于1969年登上月球。 The moon appeared from behind a cloud. 月亮从云后钻了出来。 The moon rose into the sky. 月亮升上天空。 The moon was shining in the sky. 月儿当空照。 →4  See picture of 见图 SOLAR SYSTEM2  [countable usually singular]HACF the appearance or shape of the moon at a particular time 〔特定时间出现的〕月亮 It was the night of the full moon. 那是一个月圆之夜。 a clear night with a bright moon 一个皓月当空的清朗夜晚 a thin crescent moon 一弯细细的新月3  [countable]HA a round object that moves around a planet other than Earth 卫星 the moons of Saturn 土星的卫星4  ask for the moon  (also cry for the moon British English) informalASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to ask for something that is difficult or impossible to obtain 要求得到难以[无法]得到的东西;妄想,异想天开 There’s no point in crying for the moon. 异想天开是没有用的。5  over the moon British English informalHAPPY very happy 非常高兴的 She’s over the moon about her new job. 她对新工作非常满意。6  many moons ago literaryPAST a long time ago 很久以前 It all happened many moons ago. 那都是很久以前的事了。 → once in a blue moon at once1(15), → promise somebody the moon at promise1(3) COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the appearance or shape of the moon at a particular time 〔特定时间出现的〕月亮ADJECTIVES/NOUN + moonbright 明亮的The moon was very bright. 月儿非常明亮。a full moon (=with a completely round shape) 满月A full moon hung low in the sky. 一轮满月低悬在空中。a half moon (=looking like half a circle) 半月nA half moon was up now, pale and cool.a crescent moon (=with a thin curved shape) 新月,月牙nThe stars and thin crescent moon gave just enough light to see the path.a new moon (=a very thin moon which is just starting to get bigger) 新月nIt was twilight and a new moon was rising.a silver/yellow moon 银色的/金色的月亮nIt was a frosty night, with a cold silver moon.a pale moon 苍白的月亮nHer face glowed in the light of the pale moon.a harvest moon (=the full moon that appears in late September or early October) 丰收之月〔秋分前后的圆月〕nOver the potato fields a harvest moon was rising.verbsthe moon shines 月光照耀The moon shone through the window. 月光透过窗户照进来。the moon rises (also the moon comes up) 月亮升起He watched the full moon come up over the trees. 他注视着一轮满月从林间升起。the moon appears 月亮出现nA brilliant moon appeared over the mountains.the moon comes out (=appears as it gets dark or a cloud moves) 〔天黑或云层散去后〕月亮出现nThe moon came out from behind the clouds.the moon hangs somewhere literary (=stays there for a long time) 月亮挂在某处nThe moon hung over the quiet sea.the moon sets (=goes down so that you cannot see it) 月亮落下nThe moon had set, but the sky was clear.the moon waxes (=gets bigger each night) 月渐圆nThe moon waxed larger over the next few days.the moon wanes (=gets smaller each night) 月渐缺[渐亏]nThe August moon was waning.nphrasesthe light of the moonThe clouds blocked out the light of the moon.there is no moonThere was no moon, and the fields were completely dark.Examples from the Corpusmoon• There's no moon tonight.• It fell on my legs and lap through the skylight, a lovely slow silver moon.• Already the moon was up, a full moon bathing everything in a pale blue light.• There was nothing she could not do, he said, check the stars, even, and the moon.• But it was like the moon.• We arrived by the light of the moon.• I opened my eyes and through the cabin window saw the sliver of the moon just over the horizon.• Staff here are all over the moon.• You spend the next two days en route to the moon.• the moons of Saturnmoon2 verb [intransitive, transitive]  1.informalJOKEINSULT to bend over and show your buttocks as a joke or a way of insulting someone 〔开玩笑或侮辱性地〕(对…)躬身露出光屁股2 moon about/around phrasal verb British English informalLAZY to spend your time lazily, moving around with no real purpose 闲荡,闲混 I wish you’d stop mooning about and do something useful! 我希望你别再闲混,去做点有用的事情!3 moon over somebody/something phrasal verb old-fashionedLOVE to spend your time thinking about someone that you are in love with 为〔爱恋的人〕出神,痴痴地想念 She sits mooning over his photograph for hours. 她一坐就好几个小时,对着他的照片出神。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmoon• Is that you mooning about again?• You did not moon about love.• Sometimes it's so they can moon around and say how beautiful it all was and pretend they're still lifers there.• What good can you do mooning around worrying, picking at your food like an anorexic, and giving yourself splitting headaches?• It's bad enough that Timothy's mooning over her like a schoolboy, wet behind the ears.• And Alice had better get off her high horse and realize there was more to life than mooning over Lester Stoner.• One couple mooned the President's limousine as it drove past.Origin moon1 Old English monamoon1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1moon2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  object Corpus that the round shining can see you in




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