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单词 monthly
释义  month·ly1 /ˈmʌnθli/ ●●○ adjective [only before noun]  1  REGULARhappening once a month 每月一次的 The mortgage is payable in monthly instalments. 抵押贷款每月分期偿还。 a monthly publication 月刊2  AMOUNTused to talk about the total amount of something that is received, paid, measured, or calculated in a month 按月结算的;按月计算的;每月的 a monthly salary of $850 850美元的月薪 a monthly rainfall of four inches 四英寸的月降雨量3. DURINGa monthly ticket, pass etc can be used for a period of one month 〔票券、通行证等〕有效期为一个月的 —monthly adverb They meet monthly to discuss progress. 他们每月碰一次头讨论进展情况。Examples from the Corpusmonthly• A loan of £30,000 would add more than 7 percent to a monthly £298.22.• And they gave monthly and quarterly awards to the best drivers.• But he wants to track its ups and downs on a monthly basis.• The average monthly bill per customer is declining as the industry woos newcomers who want a cellular phone mainly for emergencies.• The monthly charge is $ 40 for current cable subscribers and $ 60 for nonsubscribers.• a monthly commuter train ticket• a monthly credit card payment• a monthly income of $3,750• A new monthly magazine Wessex Architect was launched and used to promote a wide range of events.• a monthly magazine• a monthly meeting• Cuttings that should come to everybody's attention quickly can be pinned to the library noticeboard or contained in a monthly newsletter.• In the first year of the plan, the government will pay 30 percent of their monthly payments.Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingmonthly2 noun (plural monthlies) [countable]  TCNa magazine that appears once a month 月刊 a leading women’s monthly 一本主要的女性月刊Examples from the Corpusmonthly• Commercial journals, particularly the weeklies and monthlies, can take rapid decisions, and have a faster turn-round time.month·ly1 adjectivemonthly2 nounChineseSyllable  once Corpus happening a month




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