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单词 monotone
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundsmon·o·tone /ˈmɒnətəʊn $ ˈmɑːnətoʊn/ noun [singular]  CBORINGa sound or way of speaking or singing that continues on the same note without getting any louder or softer, and therefore sounds very boring 单调的声音;单调 He answered all the lawyer’s questions in a dull monotone. 他用单调的语气回答了律师所有的问题。Examples from the Corpusmonotone• Jim Feng laughed quietly: a monotone chuckling.• In a barely audible monotone, she gave her evidence.• For the past two hours they had listened to Wingate answering questions in a flat exhausted monotone.• His message is one of Reaganesque optimism, incongruously delivered in a Forbesian monotone.• Instead, I wanted to be Choo Choo, who wore a long turtleneck and spoke with a high monotone.• It is monotone, mechanical and Daleky.• Duvall drawled in a strange monotone.• An engaging blend of poetic characterization and deductive reasoning, it was delivered for the most part in a weary monotone.mon·o·tone nounChineseSyllable  on that continues or singing Corpus speaking way a of sound or




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