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单词 monosyllabic
释义  Related topics: Linguisticsmon·o·syl·lab·ic /ˌmɒnəsɪˈlæbɪk◂ $ ˌmɑː-/ adjective  1  SLRUDE/IMPOLITEsomeone who speaks in a monosyllabic way does not say very much and does not try to be friendly 〔说话〕简短冷淡的 He made monosyllabic replies to my questions. 他对我的问题作了简慢的回答。2. technicalSL a monosyllabic word has only one syllable 〔单词〕单音节的Examples from the Corpusmonosyllabic• Intensive training is making many activists a trifle monosyllabic.• In the corridor there were orders given and monosyllabic assents.• He made monosyllabic replies and then repeated his request for a small bowl of harees.• Muriel inquired after their day and received polite but monosyllabic replies from each of them.• He grunted monosyllabic responses to questions.• These monosyllabic roots are the building blocks of the language.• Flies with fast clipped wingbeats, always uttering its shrill, monosyllabic screech.• The assumption that each character represents an independent meaningful syllable leads to the conclusion that each character represents a monosyllabic word.mon·o·syl·lab·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  who a in Corpus way monosyllabic someone speaks




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