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单词 monopoly
释义  Related topics: Business basicsmo·nop·o·ly /məˈnɒpəli $ məˈnɑː-/ ●●○ noun (plural monopolies)  1  [countable]BBCONTROL if a company or government has a monopoly of a business or political activity, it has complete control of it so that other organizations cannot compete with it 垄断;独占;专营monopoly of They are demanding an end to the Communist Party’s monopoly of power. 他们要求结束工党的一党专政。 the state monopoly of television 国家对电视的垄断monopoly on/in For years Bell Telephone had a monopoly on telephone services in the US. 贝尔电话公司曾多年垄断美国的电话业务。 a monopoly in copper trading 对铜交易的垄断2  [countable] a large company that controls all or most of a business activity 垄断者;垄断企业;专卖者 The company is a state-owned monopoly. 该公司是一家国有垄断企业。3  [singular]OWN if someone has a monopoly on something, that thing belongs to them, and no one else can share it 垄断品;被独占的东西 Teachers do not have a monopoly on educational debate. 有关教育问题的辩论并不是老师的专利。Examples from the Corpusmonopoly• Because the state tried to enforce a monopoly on ideas, intellectuals were both at great risk and terrifically influential.• It is not good for consumers if one company has a monopoly in any area of trade.• the De Beers diamond monopoly• Lewie and his monopoly were gone, a loss of at least a few hundred million dollars more.• It was not easy to persuade the monarchy to let go of its monopoly of power.• In contrast, public monopolies that are thrust fully into competition have little choice but to please their customers.• It is poor families who are usually stuck with the worst consequences of school monopoly and bureaucratization.• Tax concessions for new companies and the end of the state monopoly on import-export trade were also announced.• After decades of dreary state-run television monopolies, most of these markets are starting to open up to private competitors.• Within a few years, the company had a virtual monopoly over all trade with India.• Microsoft, which has had a virtual monopoly, has managed 53 % a year.monopoly of power• At the same time it amended the republic's constitution to abolish the guaranteed Communist Party monopoly of power.nMonopoly trademark  na very popular type of board game that has been sold since the 1930s. Players use toy money to buy streets and buildings on squares on the board, and then make other players pay rent if they move onto those squares. The squares on the board show the names of real streets in cities in the US (=in an American Monopoly set), London (=in a British Monopoly set), or other big cities around the world. People sometimes use the expression Monopoly money to mean a very large amount of money You know how much it costs to buy an apartment in Tokyo? It's Monopoly money!From Longman Business Dictionarymonopolymo‧nop‧o‧ly /məˈnɒpəliməˈnɑː-/ noun (plural monopolies)1[countable, uncountable]ECONOMICS a situation where a business activity is controlled by only one company or by the government, and other companies do not compete with itThe national airline is no longer a monopoly. At least 10 new airlines now compete against it.monopoly onFor years, it enjoyed a monopoly on oil exploration and production in Argentina.The company has been granted a monopoly over Italian high-speed train lines.There remains the threat of monopoly. → commercial monopoly → legal monopoly → natural monopoly → state monopoly2have/hold a monopoly on something if one person, group, or organization has a monopoly on something, they have something that others do not haveThis bank does not have a monopoly on bad loans.Origin monopoly (1500-1600) Latin monopolium, from Greek, from mono- ( → MONO-) + polein “to sell”mo·nop·o·ly nounMonopolyLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  has a company Corpus government if or Business




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