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单词 ball game
释义  Related topics: Baseball, Sportˈball game noun [countable]  1. American EnglishDSB a game of baseball, football, or basketball 球赛〔指棒球赛、橄榄球赛或篮球赛〕2. British EnglishDS any game played with a ball 球类运动3  a whole new ball game DIFFERENTa situation that is very different from the one you are used to 完全不同的情况 I used to be a teacher, so working in an office is a whole new ball game. 我以前是老师,所以在办公室工作对我是完全陌生的事。Examples from the Corpusball game• There is a strong argument for insisting that he is the outstanding performer in any ball game.• Although not my cup of tea, I must admit Manchester United is a whole new ball game.• Dad was watching the ball game on TV.ˈball game nounChineseSyllable  a Corpus football, or baseball, game of




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