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单词 mixture
释义 Word family  noun mix mixer mixture adjective mixed verb mix  Related topics: Chemistrymix·ture /ˈmɪkstʃə $ -ər/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  [countable]MIX a combination of two or more different things, feelings, or types of people 混合;混合体mixture of The town is a mixture of the old and the new. 这个小城新旧结合。 the mixture of different people living in the city 生活在这座城市中形形色色的人们 She felt a strange mixture of excitement and fear. 她有一种既兴奋又害怕的奇怪感觉。 a mixture of emotions 百感交集2  [countable, uncountable]MIX a liquid or other substance made by mixing several substances together, especially in cooking 〔尤指烹饪中的〕混合液,混合料 → compoundmixture of Fill the bread with a mixture of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. 把生菜、番茄和黄瓜混在一起填进面包里。 Pour the mixture into four small dishes. 把混合料倒入四个小碟子里。3. [countable] technicalHC a combination of substances that are put together but do not mix with each other 混合物 THESAURUSmixture several different substances, ideas, qualities etc that have been put together, especially so that they form one thing 〔几种不同物质、思想、特质等的〕混合(体),结合(体)Pour the mixture into the cake pan and bake for 50 minutes. 把混合料倒入蛋糕烤盘,然后烘烤50分钟。He looked at her with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. 他既赞赏又好奇地看着她。combination two or more different things, substances etc that are used together or work together 〔两种或两种以上不同事物、物质等的〕结合,混合Doctors use a combination of drugs to combat the disease. 医生使用多种药物结合来对付这种疾病。The business failed due to a combination of bad management and a lack of experience. 由于经营不善加上缺乏经验,这家企业倒闭了。blend a mixture of two or more things, qualities, or characteristics, especially ones that combine successfully or in a pleasant way 〔尤指成功的、令人满意的〕融合,糅合The England team is a good side, with a nice blend of experience and youthful energy. 英格兰队是支不错的球队,成功地把经验和年轻人的活力结合在一起。The sauce uses a blend of different ingredients. 这种调味汁选用了多种配料。a cross between something and something a mixture of very different things – used when you are describing what something looks or sounds like 某事物与某事物的混合[结合]The building looked like a cross between a museum and a spaceship. 这幢建筑看上去既像博物馆,又像宇宙飞船。nHer music sounds like a cross between the Rolling Stones and Amy Winehouse. hybrid /ˈhaɪbrəd/ something that is produced by combining two or more things, especially using advanced scientific methods 〔尤指利用先进的科学方法而产生的〕杂交生物体;混合体Scientists are combining human and animal embryos to create genetic hybrids. 科学家正在将人类胚胎和动物胚胎结合,创造基因杂交体。These industries use a hybrid of different technologies. 这些行业将各种不同的技术结合起来使用。nThe plant is a hybrid of wheat and rye.amalgam /əˈmælɡəm/ formal a mixture of different things, in which you can still recognize the original features 〔原来特征仍可辨认的〕混合物,综合体The record is an amalgam of hard rock, jazz, and blues. 这张唱片是硬摇滚、爵士乐和布鲁斯音乐的杂辑。synthesis formal something that has been made by combining different things, especially information or ideas 〔尤指信息或思想的〕综合物[体]The essay should be a synthesis of the information from various sources. 这篇文章应该是各种来源的信息的汇总。nan untidy mixturejumble a lot of different things mixed together in an untidy wayRae looked through the jumble of old record albums and tapes.mishmash/hodgepodge informal a mixture of a lot of different things, styles etc that do not seem right togetherIf you look closely at the individual buildings they are a real hodgepodge of styles.The story is a bit of a mxture of chemical substancescompound a chemical substance that contains atoms of two or more elementscommon chemical compounds such as sodium chloridesolution a liquid mixed with a solid or a gasa weak sugar solutionExamples from the Corpusmixture• Paul marinated the chicken in a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, and spices.• His work is a mixture of photography and painting.• A long French liner slipped majestically by with a mixture of European and Asian faces staring curiously from the decks.• He looked at her with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.• A mixture of concern and anger invaded her.• The car runs on a special ether-alcohol mixture that won't work in an ordinary engine.• The house behind us was a strange architectural mixture.• Divide the cake mixture between the cans and place on a greased baking tray.• Small crystals of cadmium are interspersed in the finely divided eutectic mixture.• Dissolve gelatin in cold water and add to soup mixture.• A special mixture of peat and soil is used for growing bonsai trees.• Pack the mixture into little pots or jars.• Add the butter or olive oil and a little more water if necessary to thin the mixture to desired thickness.• Place all the ingredients in a bowl and beat them until the mixture is smooth.• The mixture should consist of a layer of coarse sand, with a thin layer of peat and clay immediately below it.• This mixture is used to infuse sauces and marinades with great effectiveness.• Beat with hand mixer until mixture resembles a somewhat smooth paste.Origin mixture (1400-1500) Old French misture, from Latin mixtura, from mixtus; → MIX1mix·ture noun →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  two combination different a of Corpus more feelings, or things,




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