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单词 minted
释义  mint·ed /ˈmɪntɪd/ adjective  1  newly/freshly minted a newly minted word, phrase, idea etc has been invented or produced very recently 〔单词、短语、主意等〕新产生的,新发明的 some newly minted theatrical stories 一些新编的戏剧故事2  minted food and drinks have mint added to them 〔食物、饮料〕加薄荷的,薄荷味的 Serve with minted peas. 配薄荷豌豆一起上。3. very rich – used especially by young people 很有钱的,很富的〔尤为年轻人使用〕Examples from the Corpusminted• But its newly minted dual-containment policy may reckon without the Middle East's rare talent for opportunistic alliances.• Cray liked to hire talented but newly minted engineers.• He's a newly minted law school graduate from Long Island.• Two days after the plan was announced, Mr Resende took the newly minted package to creditors in Washington.• Some newly minted salesmen and saleswomen have been laid off from other jobs.• The twilight sky was lavender and dark enough that Venus was out, hung above a freshly minted sickle·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  newly minted idea a word, Corpus etc phrase,




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