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单词 mime
释义  Related topics: Performingmime1 /maɪm/ noun  [countable, uncountable]AP the use of movements to express what you want to say without using words, or a play where the actors use only movements 〔不用语言的〕比画;哑剧表演;哑剧 The children learn through role-play, dance and mime. 儿童通过角色表演、舞蹈和哑剧来学习。 They will perform a short mime later. 稍后他们将表演一个哑剧小品。 a professional mime artist 专业的哑剧表演艺术家Examples from the Corpusmime• I peer through the window to the side of the door and a mime is in progress, a woman energetically vacuuming.• We expect reality but mime is not bound by such limitations.• Clark is wonderful in the role, which is mostly mime and dance.• One performer did a silly mime during the overture.• Her authoritative performance made the superb mime and rhythms invigorating to watch.• This mime of his never failed to invoke my deep defensiveness with regard to all things Kip.• They suggest approaching the average and below-average children through mime, dance and personal composition.• There was mime and a resolutely modern organ piece one evening, between announcements and prayers.mime artist• This area is always full of interest: mime artists, solo guitarists and full-blown jazz bands entertain the passing public.Related topics: Theatremime2 verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  APTto describe or express something, using movements not words 以哑剧形式表演;比画着表达 Stan put a finger to his mouth, miming ‘shush’. 斯坦把手指放在嘴上,做出“嘘”的样子。mime doing something Soundlessly, she mimed picking up a phone and speaking into it. 她无声地比画着拿起电话听筒说话的样子。2  to pretend to play or sing a piece of music, without making any sound 〔不出声地〕模拟演奏[歌唱]的动作mime to Singers on television often mime to pre-recorded tapes. 电视里的歌手经常跟着预先录制好的磁带假唱。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmime• They mimed a tug of war.• Phagu mimed back that we had no choice.• Everywhere he went running, running, running; and on the spot he mimed it.• Soundlessly she mimed picking up a phone and speaking into it.• Langford is pointing at him, his face in profile miming shock-horror: a lost joke.• I mimed that this was not necessary but he insisted.• Every derangement of the page-space deftly mimes the current derangement of the house-space in the narrative.• Chutra and Koju mimed their technique.Origin mime1 (1600-1700) Latin mimus, from Greek mimos “copier, mimic”mime1 nounmime2 verbChinese  to express use of you want Corpus what movements to the




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