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单词 milky
释义  Related topics: Drink, Hair & beautymilk·y /ˈmɪlki/ adjective  1  DFDcontaining a lot of milk 掺奶的,多乳的 a cup of milky coffee 一杯牛奶咖啡2  LIQUIDlooking, smelling, or tasting like milk 〔样子、气味或味道〕像奶的 a sweet, milky flavour 一股甜甜的奶味3  DCBHBHmilky skin is white and smooth 〔皮肤〕白皙光滑的,乳白色的 her beautiful milky complexion 她那凝脂般的漂亮肤色4  literary white or pale 白色的;苍白的 His eyes were a pale milky blue. 他的眼睛是淡蓝色的。Examples from the Corpusmilky• Spit fell from its mouth and froze into a pale milky beard.• After a day of trial and error, triumph and tantrum, our baby's down and milky calm.• milky coffee• She was right on the other side of the shower door, her plump form vaguely defined through the milky glass.• Overhead, a black patch of pine needles caught in the troughs of the milky green roof.• The tree has a milky sap.• They were cloudy colours, pale and subtle with the milky sheen of pearls.• In this plant was a milky substance which was a drastic purge and irritant.milk·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus a lot of milk containing




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