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单词 bail
释义  Related topics: Crime & law, Cricketbail1 /beɪl/ ●○○ noun  1  SC[uncountable] money left with a court of law to make sure that a prisoner will return when their trial starts 保释金 Carpenter is free on bail while he appeals his conviction. 卡彭特取保获释,同时对判决提出上诉。 She was murdered by a man who was out on bail for rape. 她被一名犯强奸罪获保在外的男子杀害。 The three men were released on bail pending an appeal. 这三名男子获准保释等候上诉。 He is not likely to be granted bail. 他不大可能获保释。 Carter has been refused bail and will remain in custody. 卡特已经被拒绝保释,继续拘押。 The judge ordered that Jones be held without bail. 法官下令琼斯不得保释。 Why can’t you ask your father to put up bail for you? 为什么不能叫你父亲帮你交保释金? Two of the defendants jumped bail and fled to New York. 两名被告弃保潜逃到了纽约。 Bail was set at $30,000. 保释金定为三万美元。2. DSC[countable usually plural] one of the two small pieces of wood laid on top of the stumps in a game of cricket 〔板球〕三柱门上的横木n COLLOCATIONSverbsbe released/freed on bail (=be allowed to stay out of prison if you pay or agree to do something)The men were questioned yesterday before being released on granted/given bailMagistrates adjourned the case until June 9 and Smith was granted bail.get bailHis wife says he hopes to get refused bailRelatively few defendants are refused held without bailHe was being held without bail pending another hearing.set bail (=say how much someone must pay to be allowed to stay out of prison)Judge Philip Moscone set bail at $2 bail (also put up bail) (=pay an amount of money to be allowed to stay out of prison)He had to post bail of US$100,000 before he could fly home to Canada.jump bail (also skip bail British English) (=not return for your trial as you promised)He jumped bail and fled the country three days before he was to be sentenced.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + bailpolice bail (=when the police free someone before deciding whether to charge them with a crime)She was released on police bail.conditional/unconditional bail (=when there are conditions/no conditions attached to someone being allowed to go free)Both men were given unconditional bail and they left court without comment.Examples from the Corpusbail• All were allowed bail but court hearing was for Monday.• Brennan and Carlin were granted bail on condition that they keep away from witnesses and Nolan was granted unconditional bail.• Green is free on bail until his sentencing on June 27, when he faces up to 25 years in prison.• About a week after our arrival, we heard the good news that we would be allowed to leave on bail.• They say that it does not deal with the problem of people who persistently reoffend while on bail.• Three men were arrested on suspicion of causing violent disorder and were released on police bail.• The case was adjourned until June 26 and Dargue was released on unconditional bail.out on bail• His solicitor asked that he be allowed out on bail.• I got out on bail, I think it was my probation officer who rang up.• Grimes is out on bail and his attorney, Martin Goldberg, declined to comment Wednesday.• I gave a fake name, they let me out on bail.• Of those offences 24 were committed by five juveniles, who were still out on bail.bail2 verb  1  (also bail out American English, bale out British English) [intransitive] informal to escape from a situation that you do not want to be in anymore 摆脱困境 After ten years in the business, McArthur is baling out. 做了十年的生意,麦克阿瑟现在不想干了。2  [transitive] British English if someone is bailed, they are let out of prison to wait for their trial after they have left a sum of money with the court 保释 Dakers was bailed to appear at Durham Crown Court. 戴克斯取保候审,将在达勒姆刑事法庭出庭。n Grammar Bail is usually passive in this meaning.3 bail out phrasal verb a) bail somebody/something ↔ out (also bale somebody/something ↔ out British English)BFMONEY to do something to help someone out of trouble, especially financial problems 帮助…摆脱困境〔尤指解决经济问题〕 Some local businesses have offered to bail out the museum. 当地一些企业表示愿意帮助博物馆渡过难关。 Sutton bailed his team out with a goal in the last minute. 萨顿在最后一分钟进球,拯救了他的球队。b) bail somebody ↔ outSC to leave a large sum of money with a court so that someone can be let out of prison while waiting for their trial 〔交保释金〕把某人保释出来 Clarke’s family paid £500 to bail him out. 克拉克的家人交了500英镑保释他出来。c) American EnglishTTA to escape from a plane, using a parachute 跳伞逃脱 SYN British English bale outd) bail something ↔ out (also bale something ↔ out British English)TTW to remove water that has come into a boat 从〔船〕中舀出水,舀出〔船中的水〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbail• The cops are coming! Let's bail!• He doesn't need his father to bail him out of trouble any more.• The eleven crew members managed to bail out, but by the time rescuers arrived, one had died.• Ways to end a discount include bailing out, by merging with an open-end fund, or liquidating.• It's widely known - because the unions have publicized it - that the Department is looking at bailing out Huerter Textiles.• More probably, the government will eventually have to bail the museum out.• They can bail you out of a lot of trouble.bailed to appear• He was bailed to appear at Durham Crown Court in December, 1981, but failed to appear.• They were bailed to appear before Liverpool magistrates next month, when they will face charges of gross indecency.• A sixteen year old girl was bailed to appear before police next week.• The 15-year-old has been bailed to appear before the court on May 27.• All were bailed to appear in court to face public order charges.From Longman Business Dictionarybailbail1 /beɪl/ noun [uncountable]LAW1when someone who has been accused of a crime is allowed to remain free until their court case starts, usually because an amount of money has been given to the court which the court will keep if the prisoner does not returnThe magistrates refused their application for bail.Six former members of staff have been arrested and released on bail while the inquiry continues.2the amount of money paid for bailBail was set at £100,000 each on condition that the defendants did not leave the country.3post bail to leave a sum of money with a court of law as bailIf a defendant can post bail and presents no threat to the community, he can await trial at home.bailbail2 verb → bail out→ See Verb tableOrigin bail1 (1300-1400) Old French “keeping someone as a prisoner”, from baillier “to deliver, keep as a prisoner”, from Medieval Latin bajulare “to control”, from Latin bajulus “someone who carries loads” bail2 1. (1600-1700) bail “container for liquids” ((15-19 centuries)), from Old French baille, from Medieval Latin bajula, from Latin bajulus ( → BAIL1); bail out 2. → BAIL1bail1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1bail2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  law Business money left a Corpus to make with of court




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