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- justice has been served
- Justice of the Peace
- justice-of-the-peace
- justices
- justices of the peace
- justifiable
- justifiable homicide
- justifiablehomicide
- justifiable-homicide
- justifiably
- justification
- justifications
- justified
- justified
- justifies
- justify
- justifying
- just imagine
- (just) in case
- just in case
- justin timberlake
- justin-timberlake
- justintimberlake
- just-in-time
- just in time
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- Following
- “民胞物与”,子厚胸中合下有这段著痛著痒心,方说出此等语。不然只是做戏的一般,虽是学哭学笑,有甚悲喜?故天下事只是要心真。二帝三王亲亲仁民爱物,不是向人学得来,亦不是见得道理当如此。曰亲,曰仁,曰爱,看是何等心肠,只是这点念头恳切殷浓,至诚恻怛,譬之慈母爱子,由不得自家,所以有许多生息爱养之政。悲夫,可为痛哭也已。
- “江南活武松”
- “江右诗派”的开山祖刘崧
- “池塘春草谢家春,万古千秋五字新.传语闭门陈正字,可怜无补费精神.”此遗山《论诗绝句》也.梦窗、玉田辈,当不乐闻此语.
- “没人能证明你是对的,所以别跟我争辩”|诉诸无知
- “沧浪”的流弊
- “法”“律”分别指的什么
- “泥塘里的光彩和锋芒”——皮陆
- “洋务学堂”始于何时
- “活账本”齐莉莉
- “济南惨案”与对日外交
- “海南第一名山”
- “海棠无香”与姜夔《疏影》的语典问题
- “海瑞罢官”的由来
- “清”、“任”、“和”、“时”是孟子与四圣人议定底谥法,“祖述尧舜,宪章文武,上律天时,下袭水土”,是子思作仲尼底赞语。
- Once more句子
- Make sense句子
- Make over句子
- Make out句子
- Make for句子
- Make a face句子
- Look up句子
- Look to句子
- Look out句子
- Look on句子
- Look into句子
- Look for句子
- Look down on句子
- Look back句子
- Look at句子