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单词 menacing
释义  men·ac·ing /ˈmenəsɪŋ/ adjective  THREATENmaking you expect something unpleasant 威胁的,不祥的,凶兆的 SYN threatening dark menacing clouds 可怕的乌云 a low menacing laugh 带威胁的低声一笑 His tone grew more menacing. 他的语气越来越可怕。► see thesaurus at frightening —menacingly adverb He moved towards her menacingly. 他气势汹汹地朝她走去。Examples from the Corpusmenacing• Very polite but - well - sort of quietly menacing.• There was something strange and rather menacing about the way she spoke.• Within a few years he could have looked almost as menacing as he did six months ago.• One of the guards gave a low, menacing laugh.• Karpov is gradually building up the kind of position he likes with two bishops and a potentially menacing mass of central pawns.• It was as if menacing music had been played in a film, accompanying a scene of innocent happiness.• After the break Smith proved the menacing player for Stockton but he was well dealt with by a hard working Stockton defence.• the dark, menacing sky• The house grew still but it was a menacing stillness, like that of a cat about to spring.• The fraud is always more menacing than the real thing.• This is the really menacing thing because in their obsession with proving themselves, they are pulling us all towards destruction.• a deep, menacing voicemen·ac·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  expect Corpus unpleasant something making you




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