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单词 member
释义  Related topics: Officials, Humanmem·ber /ˈmembə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  MEMBERa person or country that belongs to a group or organization 会员(国),成员(国) The majority of union members voted in favour of a strike. 大多数工会成员投票赞成罢工。member of You can also invite members of your family. 你也可以邀请家人。 He is a member of the local tennis club. 他是本地网球俱乐部的会员。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say there are 3/4/5 etc people in their family rather than saying that their family has 3/4/5 etc members: 在日常英语中,人们一般说there are 4/5 etc people in their family,而不说their family has 4/5 etc members My family has eight members. → There are eight people in my family. 我家有八口人。2  MEMBERone of a particular group of animals or plants 〔某一群动植物中的〕一员member of The plant is a member of the lily family. 这种植物属百合科。 Wolves and domestic dogs are members of the same species. 狼和家犬属于同一物种。3  British EnglishPGO a Member of Parliament 议员member for the member for Truro 特鲁罗地区的议员4. formalHBH a man’s sex organ 男性性器官,阴茎 SYN penis COLLOCATIONSnverbsbe a member of somethingLisa is a member of the hockey team.become a memberGermany became a member of N.A.T.O. in 1954.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + membera committee/staff/family etc member 委员会成员/员工/家庭成员等Close friendships developed between crew members on the ship. 船员之间建立起亲密的友谊。a leading member (=an important member) 重要成员a discussion between leading members of the profession 该行业领军人物之间进行的一次讨论a senior/junior member (=with a higher or lower rank) 等级较高/较低的成员A senior member of the government has resigned. 一名政府高级官员辞职了。an active member (=one who takes part in many activities of an organization) 积极分子She was an active member of the church. 她是教会的积极分子。a founder member (=one who helped start an organization) 创始人,创办者He was a founder member of the African National Congress. 他是非洲人国民大会的一位创始人。a staff member 员工He became a staff member of the Institute in 2002. 2002年他成为该组织的工作人员。a full member (=one who has all the possible rights of a member) 正式成员nAt that time, women were not allowed to be full members of the associate member (=one who has fewer rights than a full member) 非正式[附属]成员nTurkey is an associate member of the European card-carrying member (also a paid-up member British English) (=an official member of an organization)She was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party.a life member (=one who has paid to be a member for their whole life) 终身会员na life member of the Royal Academy of Artistsan honorary member (=one who has been given membership as an honour) 名誉会员nHe was made an honorary member of the Botanical Society.phrasesa member of a committee/of staff etc 委员会成员/员工等All members of staff attend regular training sessions. 所有员工都参加定期的培训课程。a member of the public 民众Members of the public were invited to put forward suggestions. 市民受邀提出建议。a member of society (=a citizen) 社会成员nWe want our children to become productive members of society.member + NOUNa member state/country/nation (=a country that belongs to an international organization) 会员国,成员国the member states of the European Union 欧盟成员国Examples from the Corpusmember• She's a member of the local drama society.• Is Switzerland a member of the European Union?• These employees are paid based upon what they produce either individually or as members of small work groups.• Dogs and wolves are both members of the same species.• How else can members of Congress assume a steady flow of campaign contributions?• All council members donate their time, and the district being evaluated pays for travel, lodging, and food.• Tickets are $7 for members, and $10 for non-members.• The club is hoping to attract more members.• St. Joseph's church welcomes all new members.• It will be the responsibility of member countries to prosecute those of their own ships which transgress the convention.• Shares of computer equipment companies nationwide surged after several members of the industry reported earnings that exceeded expectations.• The member of staff must report, but need not terminate, the relationship.• They now have to ballot their members before being able to call a strike.• 80% of union members are opposed to going on strike over this issue.• Brooks is a very valuable member of the team.members of ... species• When it comes to that interesting pastime, most members of most species come to grief.• Fake contraceptive technology manipulates women in ways that we are coming to condemn when they are practised on members of other species.• Individuals must compete with other members of their own species for these resources.• With other members of their species or with members of other species?• Although an attractive addition to a tank, it has a nasty habit of fighting with members of its own species.• There have been many investigations of the factors animals use to ensure that they mate with members of the same species.• It is adaptive for animals not to mate with members of other species.From Longman Business Dictionarymembermem‧ber /ˈmembə-ər/ noun [countable] a person, group, or country that has joined a club or an organizationtrade between members of the European UnionThe consortium will have 11 member companies. → founder memberOrigin member (1300-1400) Old French membre, from Latin membrummem·ber noun →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  group Business a or a to Corpus belongs or organization country that person




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