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单词 Recreate
1. They recreate themselves with playing bridge.
2. They plan to recreate a typical English village in Japan.
3. I am trying to recreate family life far from home.
4. The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain.
5. You can never recreate the feeling of winning for the first time.
6. We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.
7. They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre.
8. Again and again he tried to recreate that moment.
9. It hence took time to recreate his father's empire.
10. With careful selection you can recreate your own wildlife haven.
11. I think the 15(),000 people who recreate down here every year are a testament to that.
12. In our minds we may recreate a vanished dignity and grace.
13. We must recreate the industrial structure that we once had and wantonly destroyed.
14. They just clean up and try to recreate the buzz rush of drugs through art.
15. In them he tried to recreate the characters of people who had meant much to him.
16. The digital world of cyberspace can recreate complex natural structures or fashion totally new illusionistic environments.
17. He has told friends that he intends to recreate the best bits of Neddy.
18. The idea behind his work was to completely recreate a landscape, but leave behind something which looked completely natural.
19. The actors work hard to recreate the texture of Brooklyn in the '30s.
20. You can recreate the clustered index error.
21. The students all recreate alike.
22. Instead, find out what your current and prospective clients want, and then recreate the firm to deliver it.
23. Finally, for keen gardeners there is the opportunity to recreate at home what you have seen in National Trust gardens.
24. By piecing together the jigsaw fragments, I was able to recreate the chapter.
25. It is that real-life drama that Singleton decided to explore and recreate on film.
26. Explore junk shops and markets for costume pearls and earrings to recreate this expensive look.
27. And we can share best practices so that every educator and employer does not have to recreate effective strategies from scratch.
28. The Capenhurst control line flyers formed in 1985 in a bid to recreate the golden days of their youth.
29. That chance has faded, but we must try to recreate it.
30. As I do this, Miles and Evan often chime in, so we work together to recreate the story.
1. They recreate themselves with playing bridge.
2. They plan to recreate a typical English village in Japan.
31. Markal is almost ready to recreate the Vampire's Garment.
32. New ball physics accurately recreate bouncing, skidding and topspin.
33. I often recreate myself with gardening.
34. On weekends I play; The students all recreate alike.
35. This is also a opportunity for teachers to reconsider and recreate mathematics.
36. Now we have other tools we can use to better recreate or reinterpret the past.
37. However, despite Conte wanting to recreate the team's golden age,(sentence dictionary) signing Ribery would need a considerable effort as Bayern have often said they are unwilling to sell their best players this summer.
38. It argues , persuasively, that attempts to recreate a national manufacturing sector are senseless.
39. To recreate the country's Midsummer celebration, people in traditional dress danced around a maypole.
40. Note that you will need to recreate the WbeTopicSpace destination once the file store location has been moved.
41. The underlying incredible news from this study is that if we know how to bypass the gastric tract that has insulin production issues, we can then recreate a chemical mechanism... hence new medications.
42. To rebind the package for a stored procedure, drop and recreate it with new REOPT level, or rebind the package for this specific SQL stored procedure.
43. They have everything needed to recreate any of the items described here.
44. The Tangaroa expedition aims to recreate Thor Heyerdahl's legendary Kon-Tiki voyage across the Pacific Ocean, from Peru to the Polynesia in a balsa raft in 1947.
45. Note that there's an additional button here that will be used to recreate the controls from this tabsheet on a new CLX form.
46. Use the virtualized GraphicsDevice: no more special code to handle device reset and recreate!
47. Update views in the model ( Recreate the dropped changed views. ).
48. I merely wanted to recreate the aspects of sound in a video form, and excepting the harpsichord, the rest of the pieces of the music were actually apparent in the instrumentation.
49. Scientists have hailed a successful switch-on for an enormous experiment which will recreate the conditions a few moments after the Big Bang.
50. It attempts to recreate events so that the reader may vicariously share the experience.
51. I was like a pianist studying a piece of music, phrase by phrase, rehearing it, trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey.
52. They wanted to recreate the ability of lotus leaves to resist water.
53. To recreate outer-space conditions of micro-gravity, the plane performed 6)parabolic flight 7)maneuvers over the Gulf of Mexico after 8)taking off from north Florida.
54. The rooms are furnished and recreate the atmosphere of the castle's medieval heyday.
55. In 1879 de Lesseps tried to recreate his success in Panama.
56. Therefore: For competitive advantage, seek to own a unique, hard - to - recreate source of data.
57. But an explicit policy of favouring exporters is liable to recreate old problems.
58. In anticipation of Lady Gaga's UK tour this month a group of 20 fashion students from the University of Cumbria have been working with local butchers to recreate the show stopping number.
59. Never recreate places from your memory. Always imagine new places!
60. Most efforts are using Java, ActiveX, or proprietary browser plug - ins to recreate the classroom experience.
61. Pretend you're going on a first date —show up at the door with flowers, all dressed up, with your car washed and cleaned, looking spiffy. Recreate the first time.
62. You must, however, be careful that you can successfully copy and recreate the file so that you do not lose any significant amount of information in the migration and archiving process.
63. Can you recreate the enchanting designs?Let your imagination run free with this fantastic puzzler.
64. Four Peridot and four Rosaline crystals in the Leaf-cut come together to beautifully recreate the floral motif of this pendant that comes on a rhodium-plated chain.
65. It is a stunning look at the Orwellian nature of how bureaucrats for the State spin their lies and try to recreate reality (I assume to placate their bosses and tell them what they want to hear).
66. When it comes to the holidays we are always trying to recreate the magic and the specialness we experienced when we were children.
67. We scrutinize the crime scene, collect the evidence recreate what happened without ever having been there.
68. In Oracle table compression, duplicate values are removed in a database block, and information is stored to recreate the uncompressed data within the block.
69. Saving yourself the time and effort in trying to recreate the cache should be a design goal when preloading is being considered.
70. Recreate the collage as a watercolour painting using the watercolour skills you practiced before.
71. The war exercise was a super attempt to recreate a war./recreate.html
72. The PES Productions team has worked to recreate the pace and tactical approach of a top-flight game, with mature skill and vision needed to create space and scoring opportunities.
73. According to Olga Kryshtanovskaya, Russia's leading sociologist, this summer's war in Georgia was part a long-cherished Kremlin plan to recreate a "mini-USSR".
74. Only JEST can reinterpret the enhanced JSON representation to recreate an object graph with cyclic references.
75. To reinitialize this subscription, you must drop and recreate it.
76. When compared to resected fat, lipoaspiration-derived cells featured an increased adipogenic potential and the enhanced ability to recreate an adipose substitute in vitro.
77. Options -fpic and -fPIC cause code generation to be position-independent, which is required to recreate a shared object library.
78. You should create an index in a separate table space so that if something goes wrong with the index table space, you can easily drop it and then recreate the same indexes.
79. Scientists believe they have found the world's oldest sex toy after piecing together more than a dozen fragments to recreate a 30, 000-year-old stone age phallus.
80. a pub that tries to recreate the flavour of olde England.




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