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单词 badge
释义  Related topics: Organizations, Officialsbadge /bædʒ/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  PPGSSO British English a small piece of metal, cloth, or plastic with a picture or words on it, worn to show rank, membership of a group, support for a political idea etc 〔戴在身上显示职衔、组织身份、支持某一政治思想等的〕徽章,标记 SYN button, American English pin We were each handed a badge with our name on it. 我们每个人都拿到一个徽章,上面有我们的名字。 →5 see picture at 见图 patch12. PGOa small piece of metal or plastic that you carry to show people that you work for a particular organization, for example that you are a police officer 〔随身携带显示所属机构的〕徽章,证章,徽牌3  a badge of honour/courage etc something that shows that you have a particular quality 荣誉/勇气等的标记 He now sees his wartime injuries as a badge of honor. 现在,他把自己在战争中受的伤看成是一种光荣标记。4  SSO (also merit badge American English) a small piece of cloth with a picture on it, given to scouts, guides etc to show what skills they have learned 〔发给童子军等表示学会某些技能的〕布制徽章 Steve won a photography badge in the Boy Scouts. 史蒂夫在童子军里获得了一枚摄影奖章。5  badge of office British EnglishPGO an object which shows that you have an official position 象征职位的标记 Mayors wear chains around their necks as badges of office. 市长在脖子上佩戴象征职位的链徽。n6  an icon that provides a link to another web page, for example to your page on a social networking site How do I add a badge to my blog?Examples from the Corpusbadge• a badge for photography• And all Pirates receive a free Club T-shirt and badge.• Can teachers wear political buttons, badges, or armbands to class?• Mulder showed his badge and asked a few questions.• To get into the center, users will be required to buy a one-year, $ 15 photo-identification badge.• There were now no badges of rank to be seen.• She wore a black coat and had a Soviet Railway badge pinned to her black hat.• You'll get a security badge that will allow you into the building.• The badge confers, if not the touch of aristocracy it used to bring, at least a sense of class.• The badge of the Airborne Division had been enlarged in colour and framed as a centrepiece.• We coveted those badges, and I never realized how much until that night in Casualty.Origin badge (1300-1400) Old French bagebadge nounLDOCE OnlineChinese   metal, of or a Corpus plastic small cloth, piece




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