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单词 meaningless
释义 Word family  noun meaning adjective meaningful meaningless verb mean adverb meaningfully  mean·ing·less /ˈmiːnɪŋləs/ ●○○ adjective  1  PURPOSEhaving no purpose or importance and therefore not worth doing or having 无目的的;无意义的;无价值的;不重要的 He said a few meaningless words to his hostess and looked around the room. 他向女主人说了几句无关紧要的话,又环视了一下房间。 a repetitive and meaningless task 重复且无意义的工作absolutely/utterly/completely meaningless a statistic that is absolutely meaningless 毫无意义的统计数据virtually/fairly/largely meaningless 几乎是没有价值[意义]的2  MEANINGnot having a meaning that you can understand or explain 〔意义〕不可理解的,无法解释的 Chinese characters are just meaningless symbols to me. 汉字对我来说只是些无法理解的符号。 —meaninglessness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmeaningless• In fact the limitations which Baldwin accepted on this occasion were almost meaningless.• In the great outdoors, the merit of any feats become meaningless.• Such a move could render the elections meaningless.• Such claims might be contentious, but it would be odd to see them as meaningless.• The practical consequences of time limits which are not of the essence of the contract are such that they are virtually meaningless.• The words I had written - and had almost, in the interval, forgotten - mocked me and were meaningless.• The statement issued by the authorities was meaningless.• a meaningless campaign pledge• But then, so do the 49ers as they slog their way through three more utterly meaningless games.• I wish politicians would tell us the truth, instead of repeating their meaningless prepared answers.• They had a brief, meaningless relationship a few years ago.• a meaningless ritual• It is meaningless to ask what is "real" or "imaginary" in a story.• If he can't read it, then it will be meaningless to him.• So many of us spend our lives doing meaningless work in huge faceless companies.virtually/fairly/largely meaningless• Indeed such a question is virtually meaningless.• The practical consequences of time limits which are not of the essence of the contract are such that they are virtually meaningless.• To say that they are right or wrong is virtually meaningless.• We were divided into watches but this was largely meaningless.• Until the Revolution the politics of the capital had been fairly meaningless for Sabtenga.• All this technology is fairly meaningless unless we can express its capabilities in comparison with the traditional methods.• It was also handed a symbolic but fairly meaningless victory in having two orders varied.mean·ing·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  importance worth therefore and no Corpus not having or purpose




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