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单词 maypole
释义  Related topics: Leisuremay·pole /ˈmeɪpəʊl $ -poʊl/ noun [countable]  DLTRADITIONa tall pole around which people danced on May Day in the past 五月柱〔过去人们在五朔节围绕着这种高大的柱子跳舞〕Examples from the Corpusmaypole• The images swirled and danced in her head like figures around a maypole.• Similarly an eyelash in certain light is a prism and becomes a maypole of rainbow colours.• We seemed to be circling it like the ribbons of a maypole.• However, their devotions were often disturbed by the sounds of revelry and dancing as the villagers gathered around the nearby maypole.• Another pagan survival is the maypole.• The day will include dancing round the maypole by Stokesley Primary School.• I was in Barwick again on Spring Bank Tuesday to see the maypole raised, but before that was the gala.• At Barwick the new garlands are taken round the surrounding villages and a collection made before they are attached to the maypole.may·pole nounChineseSyllable   Corpus pole a on around May which tall danced people




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