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单词 maths
释义  Related topics: Mathsmaths /mæθs/ ●●● S2 noun [uncountable]  British English informalHM mathematics 数学 SYN American English math the new maths teacher 新来的数学老师 maths lessons 数学课 She got top marks in maths and chemistry. 她数学和化学得了最高分。Examples from the Corpusmaths• I mostly enjoyed art and maths but I did not like P.E. very much.• Teachers make great efforts to ensure that they do, even though the standards are demanding, particularly in maths.• Her hobbies are reading, maths and dancing.• Yours was the only group I ever taught maths - a stop-gap teacher for a year.• The higher sums will go to people planning to teach maths, science, technology and foreign languages at secondary schools.• The whole thing is more dance than maths and more Ramanujan than either.• Now we can do the maths.maths nounChinese   Corpus mathematics




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