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单词 Sickling
1. She bought herself a hoe and a sickle.
2. A bad shearer never had a good sickle.
3. Being short of sickles, they are reaping by hand.
4. He swished the tops off weeds with a sickle.
5. Take the sickle which is lying on the grindstone.
6. In the end, General Sickles achieved his breakthrough.
7. Chronic and acute problems associated with sickle cell anaemia.
8. Diagnostic features of different types of sickle cell disease.
9. In Britain one in ten black people carry the sickle cell gene.
10. People with sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia are known to have red cells with defects in their outer membranes.
11. The most effective way of organising specialist care is through sickle cell centres,() which can offer both clinical and psychological support.
12. Agriculture is attested in the words for cereals, the sickle, quern, pottery and the plough.
13. Diagnosis of the clinically severe forms of sickle cell disease is not difficult, providing awareness of the disease is high.
14. Other measures intended to reduce the incidence of sickling crises are more controversial, and treatment centres vary in their policies.
15. Next to this break room is an architectural model of a proposed Soviet building in the shape of the hammer and sickle.
16. Sickling crises cause cumulative tissue damage which frequently does not manifest until the child is older.
17. A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
18. Around 300 children with sickle cell disease are registered at King's College Hospital.
19. The economy was mixed with remains of wheat, grinding stones and iron sickles indicating agriculture alongside the remains of domestic animals.
20. Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia.
21. The role of the staff at sickle cell centres is highly varied[], but is summarised in Table 4.
22. The presence of significant amounts of haemoglobin F has a protective effect against sickling and such individuals express relatively mild disease.
23. Summary of Background Data. Human leptospirosis has been intensively studied, and there are several reports of salmonella vertebral osteomyelitis in patients without sickling.
24. Fluids may increase intra-erythrocyte free water and hinder the formation of sickling.
25. Objective. To alert the medical community about this unusual association of infectious diseases in a healthy patient without sickling or immunosuppression.
26. With the removal of oxygen from sickle hemoglobin, the red blood cell deforms into a sickled shape. This sickling damages the RBC membrane and increases the likelihood of rupture and anemia.




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