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单词 married
释义 Word family  noun marriage remarriage adjective married ≠ unmarried marriageable verb marry remarry  mar·ried /ˈmærid/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  1  MARRYhaving a husband or a wife 已婚的,有配偶的 Are you married or single? 你是已婚还是单身? They’ve been married for eight years. 他们已经结婚八年了。 Married men earn 70 percent more than single men. 已婚男子比单身男子多挣70%。married to Nicole is married to my brother. 妮科尔嫁给了我的弟弟。 We’re getting married (=marrying) next month. 我们下个月结婚。married couple/man/woman a happily married man 一个婚姻美满的男子 When she first came to London, she was newly married and out of work. 她初到伦敦时刚结婚,而且没有工作。 So, how do you like married life? 那么,你觉得婚后生活怎么样?5 ► Do not say ‘be married with’ someone or ‘get married with’ someone. Say be married to someone or get married to someone.不要说 ‘be married with’ someone 或 ‘get married with’ someone. 而要说 be married to someone 或 get married to someone.2  be married to something ATTENTIONto give most of your time and attention to a job or activity 专心致志于某事 I was married to my job. 我一心扑在工作上。n GRAMMAR: Prepositions with married• You are married to someone: He is married to an American.Last year I got married to Tom. ✗Don’t say: He is married with an American. | Last year I got married with Tom.• You use married with when talking about how many children someone has: Richard is now happily married with two young children.n COLLOCATIONSverbsbe marriedShe’s married now, and living in London.get married (=to have a wedding)Did you know that they are going to get married?stay marriedI cannot stay married to a man I do not married with children (=to be married and have children)Kevin is married with four children.adverbshappily married (=in a happy relationship with your husband or wife)I have been happily married for nine years.unhappily married (=not in a happy relationship with your husband or wife)They were behaving like an unhappily married old couple.newly/recently married (=married not long ago)The newly married couple arrived at their hotel.nounsa married man/womanBy 1957 a third of married women were working.a married coupleMost of their friends are married couples.married lifeThroughout her married life, her husband’s interests had come first.somebody’s married name (=a woman’s last name, when she has changed it to her husband’s name)She gave them Pat’s married name and address.married quarters (=where soldiers live with their wives)Can a soldier’s wife continue to live in married quarters if her husband leaves her?  THESAURUSmarried having a husband or wife 已婚的,有配偶的How long have you been married? 你结婚多久了?a married couple 一对夫妇single not married 未婚的,单身的Chris is 45 and still single. 克里斯45岁,依旧单身。single mothers 单身母亲engaged having formally agreed to marry someone in the future 已订婚的Jane and Pete have just got engaged. 简和皮特刚刚订婚。engaged couples 已订婚的情侣live together to share a home and have a sexual relationship, but not be married 同居More and more couples are choosing to live together rather than get married. 越来越多的情侣选择同居而不结婚。separated no longer living with your husband or wife because of problems in your marriage 分居的I think Joan and Brian are separated now. 我想琼和布赖恩现在分居了。divorced no longer married because you have legally ended your marriage 离婚的,离异的My parents got divorced when I was 10. 我十岁时父母离婚。divorced men 离婚男人widowed no longer married because your husband or wife has died 寡居的;鳏居的;丧偶的He’s a widowed father of two. 他丧偶,有两个孩子。husband/wife etc 丈夫/妻子等husband/wife the man/woman you are married to 丈夫/妻子My wife’s a teacher. 我妻子是老师。partner the person you live with and have a sexual relationship with. Partner is often used when people are not married, or when you do not know if they are married. It is also used when talking about same-sex couples 伴侣〔partner常指未婚同居或是不知道是否结婚的人,也指同性的伴侣〕He lives with his partner Ruth and their eight-month-old son. 他和伴侣露丝及他们八个月大的儿子一起生活。fiancé/fiancée the man/woman you are engaged to 未婚夫/未婚妻He and fiancée Wendy Hodgson will marry in July. 他和未婚妻温迪•霍奇森将于7月结婚。divorcee a woman who is divorced 离婚女人The prince announced his intention to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. 王子宣布了欲与沃利斯•辛普森夫人——一名离异美国女子结婚的打算。widow/widower a woman or man whose husband or wife has died 寡妇/鳏夫Imelda Marcos, the widow of the former president 伊梅尔达•马科斯,前总统的遗孀spouse formal your spouse is your husband or wife 配偶The rule applies to spouses and children of military personnel. 本规定适用于军职人员的配偶及子女。nestranged wife/husband formal someone’s estranged husband or wife is one who they do not live with anymoreShe is trying to get her sons back from her estranged husband.someone who is not married 未婚的bachelor a man who has never been married 未婚男子,单身汉He’s a confirmed bachelor (=a man who has decided he will never marry). 他是个坚定的独身主义者。spinster old-fashioned a woman who has never been married and is no longer young 老处女,老姑娘The house was owned by an elderly spinster. 房子的主人是位老姑娘。Examples from the Corpusmarried• I went downstairs and they told me they had just got married.• But now she's all married and stuff.• We've been married for 25 years.• There is no way Dona could have left her married life and children behind to sail the seas with pirate lover.• After thirty-two years of married life Barbara had no illusions left.• But the scale of these effects, especially for married men, is small.• Is Robertson your married name?• Aged 53, married, no children.• And Liz is married to my brother, after all.• Geraldine was married to the richest man in France and still pretended she couldn't afford a new outfit.• Nick personable, Eton educated, slightly big boyish looking is 30 and married with two very young children.• Richard is happily married with two young children.• More and more married women were returning to the workplace.married life• Ironically, during that time, Charles and Diana enjoyed the happiest period of their married life.• It was all so different from her own married life.• It was to be more than five years before they were able to lead a normal married life.• We hope that both of you will always enjoy married life, a very long and happy life together.• Our married life has truly begun, and every day it will get better.• Indeed, during their married life he mostly pampered her.• Admittedly they were only nineteen, but surely, he reasoned, there must be more to married life than this?• At the end they look forward to a married life together in a world diminished by the events of the play.mar·ried adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a wife having husband Corpus a or




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