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单词 market leader
释义  Related topics: Tradeˌmarket ˈleader noun [countable]  BBTthe company that sells the most of a particular type of product, or the product that is the most successful one of its type 市场领导者〔占有某产品最大市场份额的公司〕;市场领导产品〔占有最大市场份额的产品〕 the UK market leader in sports shoes 运动鞋的英国市场领导者Examples from the Corpusmarket leader• It will also become a market leader in several food areas within Scandinavia.• It is the recognized market leader in this field.• First Alert, the market leader, said the detectors were fine.• We must strike soon and become the market leader or some other company will seize the position.• As a consequence peat has been the market leader for the past forty years.• The Palm Pilot is currently the market leader with 75-80 % of the market share.• Kodak is still the market leader.From Longman Business Dictionarymarket leaderˈmarket ˌleaderMARKETING the company, product, or service with more sales than any other company, product etc in its marketThe company is the US market leader in petfood. → leaderˌmarket ˈleader nounChineseSyllable  of the sells company Business the Corpus that a most particular




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