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单词 rotation
释义  Related topics: Measurement, Geographyro·ta·tion /rəʊˈteɪʃən $ roʊ-/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]TURN when something turns with a circular movement around a central point 旋转rotation of the rotation of the Earth on its axis 地球绕地轴的自转rotation about/around the planet’s rotation around the Sun 行星围绕太阳的公转2  [countable]TMTURN one complete circular turn around a central point 〔旋转的〕一周,一圈 SYN revolution The blades spin at 100 rotations per minute. 叶片每分钟转100圈。3  [uncountable]CHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER the practice of regularly changing the thing that is being used or done, or the person who does a particular job 轮换,交替 job rotation 工作的轮换in rotation Three plays will be performed in rotation during the drama festival. 戏剧节期间将有三个剧目轮流上演。4  [countable] American English a period of time spent doing a particular job, when you will soon change to a different job for the same employer 轮岗,换岗 a young doctor on a rotation in the children’s ward 轮岗到儿童病房的一名年轻医生5  [countable] American English the people who each take a turn to do a particular job in a regular order 轮岗的人 The rotation included two rookies, Hernandez and Saunders. 轮岗的人中有两个新手——埃尔南德斯和桑德斯。 —rotational adjectiveExamples from the Corpusrotation• Crop rotations and equipment could not be exploited in some areas until enclosure removed the remaining open fields and increased farm size.• Robinson's first rotation at the hospital was in the emergency room.• We need to do more cross-training and job rotation.• It is emphasized here that there is no rotation in a frame in free fall.• It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to complete one rotation.• Still, Leyland left him out of the postseason rotation because there was nobody else to work right-handed long relief.• The Earth's rotation adds to the confusion.• A broken jaw to Javier Mejia created an opening in the rotation.• The measured brightness variations over the rotation period are called the light curve of the asteroid.• the rotation of the Earthrotation about/around• That means the inner core makes a complete eastward rotation about two-thirds of a second faster than the rest of the planet.• Even in this case we can consider the translation to be a special case of rotation about a centre infinitely far away.• There are three pairs of semicircular canals, which signal rotations around three axes at right angles to each other.• Discuss whether the planet is in synchronous rotation around the Sun.• Indeed, Mercury is in a form of synchronous rotation around the Sun.• These arise when bulky pendant groups hinder the rotation about the backbone and cause T g to rotation• Employees shall be assigned to cases in rotation.• Three Shakespearean comedies will be performed in rotation during the festival.From Longman Business Dictionaryrotationro‧ta‧tion /rəʊˈteɪʃənroʊ-/ noun1by/in rotation if a group of people do something in rotation, they do it one after the other in a regular orderThe four were Area Board chairmen, serving in rotation.2[countable, uncountable] the practice of changing regularly from one thing to another, or regularly changing the person who does a particular jobThere are opportunities for job rotation throughout the·ta·tion nounChineseSyllable  a movement circular turns when Corpus Business with something




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