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单词 map
释义  map1 /mæp/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  TCa drawing of a particular area, for example a city or country, which shows its main features, such as its roads, rivers, mountains etc 地图map of a map of Mexico City 墨西哥城地图 According to the map we should turn left. 从地图上看,我们应该左拐。on a map I’m just trying to find Vancouver on the map. 我正设法在地图上找温哥华。 →4  See picture of 见图 map2  a drawing of an area showing some kind of special feature, for example the type of rocks, weather, population etc 〔显示岩石、天气、人口类型等具体特征的〕图 SYN chart an archaeological map of the area 该地区的考古地图 the colour weather map in the newspaper 报纸上的彩色天气图political map (=one showing where political parties have power, or where countries are) 政治地图3  put something on the map FAMOUSto make a place famous 使某地出名 It was the Olympic Games that really put Seoul on the map. 是奥运会使首尔大大地出了名。4  off the map informalFAR a long way from any large town 非常偏远的 It’s a small place in Nebraska. Right off the map. 这是内布拉斯加州的一个小地方,很偏远。 → wipe something off the map at wipe1(8) COLLOCATIONSverbslook at a map 看地图She stopped the car to look at the map. 她把车停下来看地图。read a map (=look at and understand the information on a map) 看地图〔指能看懂〕He drove while I read the map. 他开车,我看地图。study a map (=look carefully at a map) 查看地图They studied the map before setting out. 出发之前他们仔细查看了地图。draw a map 画地图He drew me a map of the route. 他给我画了一张路线图。check a map (also consult a map formal) (=look at a map to get information) 查地图I don't know how to get to Berlin without consulting a map. 不查地图我不知道怎么去柏林。be marked on a map (=put a mark or symbol on a map to show where something is) 在地图上标明The path is clearly marked on the map. 这条小道在地图上标示得清清楚楚。find something on a map 在地图上找到某处nI managed to find the village on the map.spread out/unfold a map 摊开/打开地图nWe spread out our maps on the floor.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + mapdetailed 详细的na detailed map of the cityaccurate 精确的na modern, accurate map of the districtlarge-scale (=showing a small area in a lot of detail) 大比例尺的na large-scale map of Parisa road map 道路交通图a road map of Texas 得克萨斯州的道路交通图a street map 街道图There's a street map outside the town hall. 市政厅外有一幅街道图。a tourist map 导游图The museum is marked on most tourist maps. 这座博物馆在大多数旅游地图上都有标示。an Ordnance Survey map British English (=a map showing the roads, paths, hills etc of an area in detail) 地形测量图phrasesthe contours on a map (=the lines on a map showing the height of mountains and valleys) 地图上的等高线Contours on the map are given in feet. 地图上的等高线以英尺标示。Examples from the Corpusmap• I am never far from a map of the seafloor.• When William Senior drew his map of c.1635 Chesterfield had still not expanded beyond its medieval limits.• With their handwritten text, intricate maps and exquisite drawings, they were hailed as a work of art.• Significant developments in the use of maps in the coming decades can be predicted with confidence.• Ted said one day, poring over maps and guidebooks.• On the back wall of the produce shed hangs a schoolroom map of the continental United States.• a street map• This might well be the word processor that puts WordStar right back on the map in the word processor stakes.• Let me show you how to get there on the map.• The map tore, and tore again, as he tossed around in the of• a map of Texaspolitical map• Clearly, devising a political map of Minoan Crete is fraught with problems.• California's political map is a chaotic mess of overlapping cities, counties and school districts.• The commission's recommendations could profoundly affect the political map of the area.• The entire economy of the Earth, the political map, the military map.• Still, at least the interlocking issues of taxation, welfare and the family are now on the political map.Related topics: Technologymap2 ●○○ verb (mapped, mapping) [transitive]  1  TCto make a map of a particular area 绘制〔某地区〕的地图 He spent the next fifteen years mapping the Isle of Anglesey. 他在后来的十五年里绘制了安格尔西岛的地图。2  TMto discover or show information about something, especially about its shape or arrangement, or how it moves or works 发现,表示出〔某物的形状、排列形式、其移动或工作的方式〕 The points at which stress and anxiety emerge can be mapped. 可以找出紧张和焦虑出现的规律。 onto something phrasal verb to match something or have a direct relationship with something 与…相联系;与…直接相关4 map something ↔ out phrasal verb PLANto plan carefully how something will happen 仔细策划,计划 Her own future had been mapped out for her by wealthy and adoring parents. 她那有钱又深爱她的父母已把她的前途规划好了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmap• A conventional lens maps each light ray to a particular point on an image plane.• He reckoned in a destiny that was mapped for his career.• High altitude radar mapping has also helped reveal a hitherto undocumented people in Costa Rica.• Polson has already mapped out a 20-week book promotion tour.• Road atlas programs will map out your route between two cities or set up a whole itinerary of stops.• The path to glory was mapped out.• It is known to map real metrics to real metrics only for space-times with two space-like Killing vectors.• Ranger Dave Hutson likes to remind visitors how lucky they are compared to James White, who first mapped the cave.• The Magellan spacecraft has mapped the surface of Venus.• A number of senators are already mapping their campaigns for the presidency.Origin map1 (1500-1600) Medieval Latin mappa, from Latin, “cloth, towel”map1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1map2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  drawing city Corpus a area, a particular a example for of




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