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单词 mainspring
释义  Related topics: Chronologymain·spring /ˈmeɪnsprɪŋ/ noun [countable]  1  the mainspring of something EFFECT/INFLUENCEthe most important reason or influence that makes something happen 某事物的主要原因[影响] Christian faith was the mainspring of Peter’s life. 基督教信仰是彼得人生的主要动力。 Small companies are the mainspring of the British economy. 小公司是英国经济的主体。2. TMCthe most important spring in a watch or clock 〔钟表的〕主发条Examples from the Corpusmainspring• This double vision of the woman-goddess is said to be the mainspring of Shakespeare's tragedies.• Anticipation is an essential ingredient in good business practice; it is one of the mainsprings that drives a successful business on.• It so happened that the mainspring of my clockwork mouse had broken that very morning.• Kitson's great organizing ability, technical ingenuity, and grasp of industrial developments was the mainspring of these activities.• Also there was the mainspring of the enterprise, the catering team.• The mainsprings of his activity were his religious and political convictions.main·spring nounChineseSyllable  influence happen or most Corpus the something that makes reason important




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