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单词 madman
释义  mad·man /ˈmædmən/ noun (plural madmen /-mən/) [countable]  1  CONTROLsomeone who behaves in a wild uncontrolled way 疯子〔指行为失控的人〕 He drives like a madman. 他开起车来像个疯子。2. MENTALLY ILL old-fashioned a man who is mentally ill 疯子,精神失常者,神经错乱的人Examples from the Corpusmadman• I was working like a madman right up to the minute of the last show in London, then I collapsed in the studio.• I had found a way to be paid for living life of a madman, she said.• The media is carrying the whole thing like he was a madman.• She took one look at Dean and decided that he was a madman.• There were moral objections to house lizards being senselessly butchered by madmen.• Carkesse believed that madmen vent their rage by words on air, poets by ink on paper.• His only thought was to get away, away from those madmen, away from the mutation, away from the a madman• The fans cheered like madmen when he scored a touchdown.• The one who rides that horse of his like a madman.• I was working like a madman right up to the minute of the last show in London, then I collapsed in the studio.mad·man nounChineseSyllable  uncontrolled Corpus way behaves a who someone in wild




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