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单词 mad
释义  mad /mæd/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective (comparative madder, superlative maddest)  1  angry 生气的 [not before noun] informal especially American EnglishANGRY angry 生气的mad at Are you still mad at me? 你还生我的气吗? We get mad at each other sometimes, like any family. 我们有时也会红脸,和任何家庭一样。mad about There’s no need to get mad about it! 没有必要为这事发火! You make me so mad! 你真把我气坏了!mad withBritish English British English His wife will be really mad with him. 他妻子会对他很生气的。go mad British English (=become very angry) 生气,光火 Look at this mess! Mum will go mad! 瞧这一团糟!妈妈会很生气的!hopping mad (=very angry) 十分生气(as) mad as hell (=a rude way of saying very angry) 十分生气的〔粗鲁的说法〕► see thesaurus at angry2  crazy 疯狂的 especially British EnglishCRAZY crazy or very silly 疯狂的;极愚蠢[不明智]的 He can’t possibly get that finished in time. He must be mad! 他不可能按时完成的。他一定是疯了! I’d go mad (=start to feel crazy) if I was stuck at home all day. 如果我整天困在家里我会发疯的。 He’s been driving me mad! 他真让我受不了! You’ve agreed to marry him! Are you mad? 你已经同意跟他结婚了!你疯了吗? Surely no one would be mad enough to fly in this weather? 肯定没有人会傻到在这样的天气条件下飞行吧? My friends all think I’m stark raving mad (=completely crazy). 我的朋友都认为我是彻底疯了。 It’s enough to send you barking mad (=completely crazy). 这足以让你发狂。as mad as a hatter/March hare (=completely crazy) 完全疯狂的n GrammarIn this meaning, mad is not used with ‘very’. You say: It’s an absolutely mad idea. ✗Don’t say: It’s a very mad idea.3  uncontrolled 失控的 especially British EnglishCRAZY behaving in a wild uncontrolled way, without thinking about what you are doing 举止狂暴的;行为失控的mad dash/rush/panic etc We all made a mad dash for the door. 我们所有人都发疯似的向门口冲去。mad with grief/fear/jealousy etc When she heard of her son’s death, she was mad with grief. 得知儿子的死讯,她悲痛欲绝。 When Italy scored, the crowd went mad (=became very excited). 意大利队进了球,观众欣喜若狂。 We went a bit mad (=spent a lot of money) and ordered champagne. 我们奢侈地要了香槟。4  be mad about/for/on somebody/something informal especially British English to like someone or something very much 特别喜欢[痴迷,迷恋]某人/某物 SYN crazy My nine-year-old is mad about Robbie Williams. 我九岁大的孩子对罗比•威廉斯非常着迷。 He’s mad about computer games. 他痴迷电脑游戏。 All the girls at school are mad for him. 学校里的女孩都非常迷恋他。be mad keen (on something) ‘Did you enjoy the film?’ ‘I wasn’t mad keen.’ “你喜欢这部电影吗?”“我并不十分喜欢。”be mad for it (=want to do something very much) 很想做某事5  mentally ill 疯癫的,患精神病的,精神错乱的 especially British English old-fashioned informalMENTALLY ILL mentally ill 患精神病的 SYN insane Mr Rochester’s mad wife 罗切斯特先生的疯妻 He turned towards me with a mad look in his eyes. 他转向我,眼里带着疯狂的神色。 the cartoon figure of the mad scientist 疯子科学家这一卡通人物6  like mad informalWORK HARD very much, very quickly, or with a lot of energy 非常〔多、快、起劲等〕 I caught my thumb in the door and it hurt like mad. 我的大拇指被门夹了,疼得要命。 She ran like mad to catch the bus. 她发疯似的跑着去赶公共汽车。7  don’t go mad British English spokenRELAXED used to tell someone not to work too hard, get too excited, or spend too much money 别不要命地干;别太激动;别乱花钱 I know you’ve got a lot to do but don’t go mad. 我知道你有许多事情要做,但也别太拼命。8  power-mad/money-mad/sex-mad etc INTERESTEDonly interested in having power, money etc and doing everything possible to get it 只对权/钱/性等感兴趣的 a power-mad dictator 权迷心窍的独裁者Examples from the Corpusmad• In the ones with both of us, we was laughing like mad.• She looked mean, she looked mad.• You couldn't ring the bell or they would go mad.• Was he mad?• We soon realized that the old man was completely mad.• Don seems really mad about something.• They say she went mad after her family were killed in a fire.• Sheila's mad at me because I forgot to feed the cats yesterday.• Sally was mad at the children for making so much noise.• The thing is she gets mad at the littlest things.• Ernie was mad because we woke him up.• It seems that everyone in Sierra has been driven mad by the heat.• Although mad, flagellants are not cowards.• There was a mad gleam in his bloodshot eyes.• Don't get mad. It was an accident.• The yellow lights on their anorexic columns look mad, like cyclopean triffids, very thin, very tall.mad at• Why are you so mad at me? I didn't do anything.driving ... mad• My despair is driving me mad.• No wonder you were driving yourself mad.• Kegan says they're driving him mad already and he wants me there right away to talk to some bloody newspaper people.• I am driving my mom mad by asking if Fluffy is just bones yet.• Her husband and relatives were virtually camped in the clinic, driving Irina mad with their interference.went mad• Inflation - rampant since independence - now went mad.• Was that when I went mad?• When Megara had borne him three sons he went mad.• My father went mad and I think he actually hated me for a short while.• His father went mad, and was confined to an asylum; maybe that was the disorder Hoover feared.• The comparisons with the good old days before Don Nelson went mad have mercifully ended.• The Press went mad on Doctor Who.• At forty, he heard a sermon by John of Avila and went mad with guilt.mad scientist• There was a fourth, but it was too squashed to be much good to the mad scientist.• Well he wasn't going hedgehog-spotting, not till he'd fixed up a deal with the mad scientist.• Well, Holmes, he looks just like the popular caricature of a mad scientist.• The sooner he could phone the mad scientist, and take them to the poly, the better.• Castle, this 1959 thriller casts Price as a mad scientist who discovers the biological cause of fear in human beings.• This distrust is evident in the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein.Origin mad Old English gemædmad adjective →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese   angry Corpus




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