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单词 lunatic
释义  lu·na·tic /ˈluːnətɪk/ noun [countable]  1  CRAZYsomeone who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way – often used humorously 疯狂的人,愚笨的人〔常为幽默用法〕 This hotel is run by a lunatic! 经营这家宾馆的人真是个疯子!2  old-fashionedMENTALLY ILL a very offensive word for someone who is mentally ill 精神错乱的人,疯子〔极具冒犯性的用语〕 a dangerous lunatic 危险的精神病人3. the lunatic fringe British EnglishPPG the small group of people in a political group or organization who have the most extreme opinions or ideas 〔政治团体或组织中的〕极端分子 —lunatic adjective [only before noun] lunatic behaviour 疯狂的行为Examples from the Corpuslunatic• The boy and girl probably thought he was a lunatic.• Some lunatic came into the store and shot him.Origin lunatic (1200-1300) Old French lunatique, from Late Latin lunaticus, from Latin luna ( → LUNAR); because people thought mental illness was caused by the moonlu·na·tic nounChineseSyllable  very stupid in or – crazy a who way behaves someone Corpus




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