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单词 low-level
释义  Related topics: Computersˌlow-ˈlevel adjective  1  close to the ground 离地面近的,低的 low-level bombing attacks on military targets 对军事目标发动的低空轰炸袭击2  relating to people who are not in powerful positions or jobs 级别低的,初级的 OPP high-level routine, low-level, clerical tasks 低级的日常文书事务3  at a low degree or strength 程度低的;强度低的 OPP high-level a low-level tension headache 轻度头痛4. TDa low-level computer language is used to give instructions to a computer and is similar to the language that the computer operates in 〔计算机语言〕低级的 OPP high-levelExamples from the Corpuslow-level• Some have injected low-level academics into low-level vocational classes.• There had developed since Khrushchev's time policies to involve the populace more in low-level administrative activities on a voluntary basis.• It is like living in a low-level but persistent depression.• It was widely believed that middle and low-level government employees accepted gifts in return for favours.• Add some replacement testosterone and research finds a low-level libido may become more active again.• a low-level manager• On March 10 the authorities issued a warning to people to stay indoors after concentrations of low-level ozone reached record levels.• We heard it turn, and again it made a low-level pass just to the side of us.• low-level positions in the company• The low-level stress that comes from selling out your own talents will culminate in some form of physical discomfort.ˌlow-ˈlevel adjectiveChineseSyllable  the Corpus ground close to




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