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单词 loon
释义  Related topics: Birdsloon /luːn/ noun [countable]  1. HBBa large North American bird that eats fish and that makes a long high sound 〔北美〕潜鸟2. STRANGE informal a silly or strange person – used humorously 傻子;怪人〔幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpusloon• Rosie, the woman is crazy as a loon.• Would you laugh like a loon at such stupid things?• Why add them, with their evocation of the doddering loon, slumped, with listless ear-trumpet, over the board table?• All the eye can see are evergreens, a placid body of water and the occasional loon.• The princess in the tower, the loon in the attic!Origin loon 1. (1600-1700) From a Scandinavian language. 2. (1600-1700) loun “bad person” ((15-19 centuries)) (influenced by → LOON1 (because of its wild sound) and by → LOONY1)loon nounChinese  makes bird Corpus large and fish eats that that a North American




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